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A Letter From Outgoing FS President Adam Manley

The Furni­ture Society extends a heart­felt thanks to outgo­ing Pres­i­dent, Adam Manley, for his lead­er­ship of the Board of Directors. 

We are grate­ful for his dedi­cated service, thought­ful guid­ance, and sense of humor. Adam will remain on the Exec­u­tive Commit­tee for the fore­see­able future and we look forward to contin­u­ing our work with him at this level.

Welcome Incoming FS President Adam Manley

Incom­ing FS Board of Trustees Pres­i­dent Adam Manly talks about step­ping into the role as Board Pres­i­dent and his plans to help the Society expand the member­ship, flour­ish, and become a more diverse and inclusive organization.

Interview with Emily Pilloton

Emily Pillo­ton is the Founder and Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of the nonprofit Girls Garage. A designer, builder, educa­tor, and author, she has taught thou­sands of young girls how to use power tools, weld, and build projects for their communities.