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Spotlight Talk: Reuse to Repair- Renewal in Wharton Esherick’s Work

Wharton Esherick Museum

2025 is set to be a year guided by the theme of renewal here at the Wharton Esher­ick Museum. Join us on Tuesday, Febru­ary 25th at noon for a virtual talk about the differ­ent ways that Wharton Esher­ick prac­ticed renewal in his own life and work. The topic of renewal runs through Esherick’s entire career, from prac­ti­cal reuse of cheap mate­ri­als during the Depres­sion era and creative explo­ration of the twen­ti­eth century’s new mate­ri­als and tech­nolo­gies, to the neces­sary work of making repairs for his clients.

CraftTexas 2025

Houston Center for Contemporary Craft

Artists working in clay, fiber, glass, metal, wood, and found/​recycled mate­ri­als are encour­aged to apply to Craft­Texas 2025, on view Septem­ber 6, 2026 — January 31, 2026. This year’s juror is Abraham Thomas, the Daniel Brodsky Curator of Modern Archi­tec­ture, Design, and Deco­ra­tive Arts at the Metro­pol­i­tan Museum of Art in New York.

High­light­ing regional contem­po­rary craft, Craft­Texas 2025 will provide an intro­duc­tion for the general public to develop an appre­ci­a­tion for the depth and breadth of craft being made in their local commu­ni­ties and across the state. This unique show also provides Texas artists with the oppor­tu­nity to be consid­ered for inclu­sion in major national museum and private collections.

Lecture by Mira Nakashima

Museum of the American Arts and Crafts Movement

Please join us for a special presen­ta­tion by our honored guest, Mira Nakashima; renowned archi­tect, furni­ture maker, and daugh­ter of iconic wood­work­ing artist George Nakashima as she shares her fathers artis­tic influ­ences and legacy, expe­ri­ences working side by side with him, and her current role in leading the historic George Nakashima Wood­work­ing Complex. Guests are also invited to view George Nakashima’s iconic Arlyn” table currently on view in the gallery that bears his name.

North Bennet Street School Priority Application Deadline

North Bennet Street School, Boston MA

If making useful things by hand is one of your career goals, then NBSS may be a good fit for you.

We seek indi­vid­u­als who are ready, willing, and able to train for careers in craft and trade indus­tries. The programs are rigor­ous and space is limited, so we are selec­tive in our admis­sions process. We strive to break down barri­ers with a commit­ment to diver­sity, equity, and inclu­sion. We also have grown our finan­cial aid offer­ings, which helps make our School more accessible.

Complete your appli­ca­tion by Febru­ary 15 and you’ll be included in our first round of admissions decisions.

Associate Director of Shops and Instructional Technicians

Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts at Washington University in Saint Louis

Directly manage 4 – 5 instruc­tional tech­ni­cian staff who support Sam Fox School’s shared shops in Givens, Weil, Walker, and Bixby Halls. The shops include 3D foun­da­tions, wood and metal shops, ceram­ics, foundry, plaster, mold making, and digital fabric

Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show 2025

Philadelphia Museum of Art

The 49th Annual Philadel­phia Museum of Art Craft Show, a juried exhi­bi­tion and retail sale, will be held in-person at the Penn­syl­va­nia Conven­tion Center from Novem­ber 7 – 9, 2025, with a Preview Party on Thurs­day, Novem­ber 6. The jury will accept 195 craft artists. This Show of Art by Hand serves as the Muse­um’s largest yearly fundrais­ing event and is devoted to bring­ing wide public atten­tion to the field of craft art. Cumu­la­tive 48-year contri­bu­tion: $15 million. Funds raised are used to purchase works of art and craft for the perma­nent collec­tions of the Philadel­phia Museum of Art, to support exhi­bi­tions and educa­tion programs and to contribute to conser­va­tion and publication projects.

Craft and Conservation Workshop

American Institute for Conservation and Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library

Craft and Conser­va­tion,” June 10 – 13, 2025. This work­ship will gather emerg­ing furni­ture makers and furni­ture conser­va­tors to build shared knowl­edge and dialogue about making furni­ture, how it was made, and approaches for its long-term care.

Gallery Groove

Museum for Art in Wood

For one-night only, on Febru­ary 21, the Museum for Art in Wood becomes a place for beats, moves, and festiv­ity. Come cele­brate with us at the first-ever Gallery Groove!

Intersections: Stephen Hogbin and Mark Sfirri

Intersections Wood Collaborative

This virtual presen­ta­tion by wood sculp­tor Mark Sfirri is a reflec­tion about the work by Stephen Hogbin and how it impacted contem­po­rary furni­ture and wood­turn­ing as well as how it impacted his own studio work.

Chair Making

Peters Valley School of Craft

An intro­duc­tory wood­work­ing course taught by Sophie Glenn

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