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Wood Studio Coordinator

Peters Valley School of Craft

Join Peters Valley’s support­ive commu­nity of artists and gain expe­ri­ence manag­ing a fully equipped and busy craft studio while mentor­ing our studio assistants.

Wood Studio Assistantship

Peters Valley School of Craft

Join Peters Valley’s support­ive commu­nity of artists and gain hands-on studio expe­ri­ence assist­ing instruc­tors, studio heads & students during the work­shop season. This is an inten­sive, fully immer­sive resi­dency program for emerging artists.

Get Your Curve On with Brian Boggs

The Woodworking School at Pine Croft

Spend five days with Brian Boggs diving deeply into curved work. We’ll work with a wide variety of tech­niques in steam bending, band-sawing with fixtures, bent lami­na­tion and how to trans­late these prac­tices into your furniture design.

Wood Studio Fellowship

Pocosin Arts School of Fine Craft

Join us this summer as our Wood Studio Fellow! You’ll receive a $6,500 stipend, housing, meals, and studio access from May 10 – August 10, 2025, while attend­ing all wood studio classes in exchange for studio coor­di­na­tion and maintenance.