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Call + Response (Session 4: July 27 – August 8)

Haystack Mountain School of Crafts

Start­ing with succinct and satis­fy­ing tech­ni­cal explo­rations and ending with a long form project, explore object making steeped in humor, absur­dity, and the capac­ity for trans­for­ma­tion. All levels welcome! Instruc­tor: Ellie Richards

Sculptural Mirror Frames (Session 6: August 24 – 30)

Haystack Mountain School of Crafts

Explore the elements of design to create a sculp­tural mirror frame of your own design. Learn the process of brick­lay lami­na­tion and various shaping tech­niques such as using rasps and files, abra­sive tools, and routers. Instruc­tor: Lacey Carnahan

Haystack Fellowship

Haystack Mountain School of Crafts

The Haystack Fellow­ship program of the Haystack Moun­tain School of Crafts supports indi­vid­u­als who self-iden­tify as bene­fit­ing from finan­cial support by elim­i­nat­ing some of the finan­cial barri­ers to partic­i­pa­tion by cover­ing tuition, room & board.

Seasonal: Kitchen Staff

Haystack Mountain School of Crafts

Haystack seeks help in our kitchen for our summer oper­a­tions. This posi­tion relies on collab­o­ra­tion, strong commu­ni­ca­tion skills, excel­lent orga­ni­za­tion, atten­tion to detail, and the ability to work as part of a team.

Seasonal Staff: Campus Assistants

Haystack Mountain School of Crafts

Each summer, Haystack Moun­tain School of Crafts’s Campus Assis­tants work closely with staff and take an active role in manag­ing various tasks in the day-to-day running of the School. On-campus housing & meals provided.