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Craft for a Greater Good is a Furni­ture Society initia­tive believ­ing that with engag­ing people through creative problem solving, there is limit­less poten­tial. Our mission is to connect with and serve our confer­ence cities through part­ner­ships and the creation of impactful projects.

During the Furni­ture Society’s 2018 confer­ence, a member received a stand­ing ovation for her sugges­tion that the Society find ways to make a differ­ence in the cities where we host our confer­ences. The follow­ing year, Craft for a Greater Good (CGG) was launched in conjunc­tion with the Furni­ture Society’s 2019 confer­ence in Milwau­kee as a way to give back to the city. The inau­gural year, CGG part­nered with two local orga­ni­za­tions, HOME GR/OWN and the Milwau­kee Art Museum’s Teen Intern­ship Program, to make benches for Milwaukee’s Victory Over Violence park. Work was started at the confer­ence and contin­ued by the MAM teens through instal­la­tion. Since, CGG has contin­ued to form and grow every year with projects in Asheville and New Orleans. It contin­ues to promote public aware­ness of design and making at the inter­sec­tion of culture, educa­tion, and business.

We envi­sion a world where there is purpose beyond making for the market­place where craft creates a lasting impact on community.

The vision of Craft for a Greater Good
Mil Teen Program Educators Event three teens engaged in looking

Comprised of Furni­ture Society members, CGG Resi­dent Fellows, and volun­teers from our part­ner­ing cities and orga­ni­za­tions, CGG is always a collab­o­ra­tion. By truly part­ner­ing with local insti­tu­tions and commu­ni­ties, we can engage with people through the creative problem solving process that comprises the act of making. We are utiliz­ing confer­ence” as a means to host impor­tant conver­sa­tion, to listen, and to turn these conver­sa­tions into mean­ing­ful actions. We are a passion­ate group guided by impact-driven values that help us create real change.


Posi­tion furni­ture and creative problem solving as univer­sal connec­tors
We find value in and around the act of furniture making

Lever­age part­ner­ship for engage­ment
We work hand and hand with part­ners to harness the power of community

Culti­vate an empow­er­ing, inclu­sive culture
We tap into our rich collec­tive skillset to inspire and support each other

Current Project:

2023 – 2024

Craft for a Greater Good — New Orleans, LA

Community partners: YAYA Youth Arts and MakeGood NOLA

TFS is excited to be part­ner­ing with YAYA, an orga­ni­za­tion serving New Orleans area chil­dren and youth through educa­tional expe­ri­ences and entre­pre­neur­ship oppor­tu­ni­ties in the arts. 

YAYA’s mission — to empower creative young people to become success­ful adults — posi­tions YAYA as an ideal CGG partner.

Past Projects:

STEAM Girl Band Saw

Craft for a Greater Good: All the Small the Things

Partners: Furniture Society Members

All the Small Things! 


Craft For A Greater Good — Milwaukee, WI

Community Partners: HOME GR/OWN AND MAM

In conjunc­tion with the FS19 Ground­work confer­ence, The Furni­ture Society part­nered with two local orga­ni­za­tions: HOME GR/OWN an initia­tive working to trans­form neigh­bor­hoods in Milwau­kee, and the Milwau­kee Art Museum (MAM) Teen Intern­ship Program, connect­ing teens with prac­tic­ing artists to address issues impor­tant to their commu­nity. During the span of the confer­ence, atten­dees used unique and surpris­ing mate­ri­als to construct benches designed by Madison, Wiscon­sin artist, Tom Loeser, for the Victory Over Violence park.