The Furniture Society is a volunteer organization. We rely on the volunteers listed below, and we could use your help!
Megan Tilston
Facebook Editor
Megan Tilston is a Toronto-based furniture maker whose work has been shown across North America. Her career in woodworking began at Merganzer Furniture in 2004 after lending a hand on a steam-bending project. With a background in graphic design, she spent the next decade immersed in all aspects of furniture making through an informal apprenticeship while being encouraged to pursue her own designs.
Learn more about Megan on her website and connect with her on Facebook
Chelsea Witt
Instagram Editor
Chelsea Witt is an artist living and working out of mid-coast Maine. Chelsea is a woodworker, furniture maker, sculptor, and illustrator. After graduating from the University of South Florida with a BFA in 2012 they have worked and taken opportunities up and down the east coast seeking growth in furniture making specifically. Chelsea has worked for and or studied under artists such as Alexis Dold, Tyler Hays (BDDW), Christina Boy, Aaron Fedarko, and David Upfill-Brown. They have attended courses at Penland School of Crafts in North Carolina and The Center for Furniture Craftsmanship in Maine. Currently Chelsea is working for the Center for Furniture Craftsmanship assisting Tim Rousseau’s twelve-week Furniture Intensive.
Learn more about Chelsea on their website and on Instagram