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A gath­er­ing of the local Furni­ture Society commu­nity in various regions around the country offer­ing our members and commu­nity the oppor­tu­nity to connect with their peers and share ideas, resources, prac­tices, and more.

Knoxville & Gatlinburg, TN

Friday, March 14 — Saturday, March 152025

Join your fellow Furni­ture Society commu­nity for an excit­ing weekend in Knoxville & Gatlinburg TN!

This weekend will be filled with gallery & studio tours in Knoxville, TN and a day in Gatlin­burg, TN at Arrow­mont includ­ing: a presen­ta­tion by Arrow­mont Resi­dent Artist Gina Siepel, a demon­stra­tion by exhibit­ing artist Alexan­dra Mavrikis, show & share, and the opening recep­tion for the FS members exhi­bi­tion at Arrow­mon­t’s Jerry Drown Wood Studio Gallery.

Museum for Art in Wood, Philadelphia, PA

Saturday, January 11, 2025, 3 – 5pm

Join us at The Museum for Art in Wood for an inspir­ing evening of insight and reflec­tion as we cele­brate furni­ture maker, Michael Hurwitz and editor, John Kelsey, the distin­guished recip­i­ents of the 2024 – 2025 Furni­ture Society Award of Distinc­tion. This pres­ti­gious award honors excep­tional achieve­ments and a lasting commit­ment to advanc­ing the art of furniture making.

Master furni­ture maker and sculp­tor Mark Sfirri will engage Hurwitz and Kelsey in a thought­ful dialogue about their careers, creative processes, and the impact they’ve made within the world of crafts­man­ship and design. Together, they will explore the intel­lec­tual and aesthetic contri­bu­tions that have shaped their work and enriched the broader furniture-making community.

Asheville, NC

Friday, September 132024

If you live and/​or work in the Asheville area, please join us and the local wood­work­ing and furni­ture commu­nity for a fun evening out with your fellow makers.

San Diego, CA

Wednesday, June 5 — Sunday, June 92024

The Furni­ture Society is coming to San Diego June 5 – 9 and we want to let you know about a few events that you won’t want to miss!

If you live and/​or work in the San Diego area, join us and the local wood­work­ing commu­nity for a casual get together with your fellow makers.
We’ll be the ones wearing the cool Furni­ture Society pins!

These events are in conjunc­tion with The Society of North Amer­i­can Gold­smiths confer­ence to be held at San Diego State University.

No regis­tra­tion required for most events. Just show up and enjoy!

Doylestown, PA

April 5 – 62024

The Furni­ture Society has put together a fun and educa­tional weekend for our members and commu­nity to get to know one another, learn about each other’s studio prac­tices and artwork, strike up mean­ing­ful conver­sa­tions, and learn about local history through docent-led museum tours!