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The Furni­ture Society is commit­ted to promot­ing the art of furni­ture in a wide variety of ways. 

Schooner Scholarships

The Schooner Foun­da­tion is gener­ously support­ing five schol­ar­ships for access to this season’s profes­sional devel­op­ment presen­ta­tion: From Passion to Profit: Build­ing a Mean­ing­ful, Sustain­able Busi­ness as a Maker.

Anyone is welcome to apply, even if you’ve already received a schol­ar­ship this year!

Educational Grants

The Furni­ture Society Educa­tional Grants Program promotes excel­lence in the furni­ture field through finan­cial assis­tance for profes­sional devel­op­ment or for special projects of an educa­tional nature. The program is open to all current members of the Furni­ture Society. *NOTE: with the excep­tion of the BIPOC grant for Ander­son Ranch. See guide­lines for more details.

EFASO Exhibition Grants

Exhibiting Furniture and Sculptural Objects Grants

The Furni­ture Soci­ety’s EFASO Program is aimed at encour­ag­ing the exhi­bi­tion of furni­ture through the provi­sion of grants to cover ship­ping costs both for indi­vid­ual members and exhibit­ing orga­ni­za­tions. The program is open to all current members of the Furniture Society.