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Associate Director of Shops and Instructional Technicians

Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts at Washington University in Saint Louis

Directly manage 4 – 5 instruc­tional tech­ni­cian staff who support Sam Fox School’s shared shops in Givens, Weil, Walker, and Bixby Halls. The shops include 3D foun­da­tions, wood and metal shops, ceram­ics, foundry, plaster, mold making, and digital fabric

Wood Studio Assistantship

Peters Valley School of Craft

Join Peters Valley’s support­ive commu­nity of artists and gain hands-on studio expe­ri­ence assist­ing instruc­tors, studio heads & students during the work­shop season. This is an inten­sive, fully immer­sive resi­dency program for emerging artists.

Wood Studio Fellowship

Pocosin Arts School of Fine Craft

Join us this summer as our Wood Studio Fellow! You’ll receive a $6,500 stipend, housing, meals, and studio access from May 10 – August 10, 2025, while attend­ing all wood studio classes in exchange for studio coor­di­na­tion and maintenance.

Submit an Opportunity