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Positions, Internship, Workshop

Wood Studio Assistantship Peters Valley School of Craft

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Join Peters Valley’s support­ive commu­nity of artists and gain hands-on studio expe­ri­ence assist­ing instruc­tors, studio heads & students during the work­shop season. This is an inten­sive, fully immer­sive resi­dency program for emerging artists.
Woodworking with Karen Ernst Peters Valley

June 1 — August 312025

Each year Peters Valley selects talented and moti­vated people, to partic­i­pate in our summer program by assist­ing our visit­ing instruc­tors and studio coor­di­na­tor. The Studio Assist­ant­ship is rigor­ous, requires long days in the studio and provides invalu­able profes­sional devel­op­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties. Studio Assis­tants are offered a $4,200 stipend to offset living expenses, mate­ri­als, etc. in addi­tion to a private room in a shared house with other assis­tants; unlim­ited studio access and are welcome to compli­men­tary meals when our dining hall is open. 

Some respon­si­bil­i­ties of the Studio Assis­tant include: assist­ing with clean­ing and disin­fec­tion of tools, equip­ment and studios during work­shops; helping with studio prepa­ra­tion before and clean-up after work­shops; assist­ing visit­ing instruc­tors and being present in the studio during work­shops; helping students one-on-one with their work; moni­tor­ing evening open studio hours in conjunc­tion with the Coor­di­na­tor; and assist­ing with special events when needed. 

Candi­dates must be 21 year or older to apply and must have their own car with them on campus. Dead­line to apply is March 22025.
