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2024 Annual Appeal Collage 3

Empowering the Future of Furniture Making

Dear Friends of Furniture,

For nearly thirty years The Furni­ture Society has been working passion­ately to elevate the art of furni­ture making, culti­vat­ing creativ­ity, recog­niz­ing contri­bu­tions, and build­ing a vibrant commu­nity. Our board and staff have been dili­gently working to final­ize a new strate­gic plan, which we will launch in the new year. 

A Vision for a Vibrant Future

Our orga­ni­za­tion is rooted in the studio furni­ture move­ment that honored the arti­sanry of making one of a kind pieces. As makers and support­ers are now shift­ing their expec­ta­tions about how work is made and about how the field can engage with art, craft, and design at-large , we’re commit­ted to embrac­ing the evolv­ing land­scape of furni­ture making. Our focus is on the inter­sec­tion of honor­ing past makers and nurtur­ing future generations.

In the last year, we have contin­ued our Nuts & Bolts profes­sional devel­op­ment program, wrapped up our Craft For a Greater Good program part­ner­ship in New Orleans and are plan­ning for our next iter­a­tion in Syra­cuse. We provided grants and schol­ar­ships to attend our online programs, launched regional events in Penn­syl­va­nia, New York City, and we have plans for addi­tional events at Arrow­mont and in Arizona. We hired new staff and paid interns, expanded our Board of Direc­tors, received renewed funding for our programs, and are plan­ning for the next in-person confer­ence in June 2025 in Syra­cuse, NY.

We’re not just build­ing a commu­nity – We’re shaping the future of furni­ture making – Join Us!

  • Cham­pion inno­va­tion and sustain­abil­ity: Promote ethical making and mate­r­ial prac­tices, empha­siz­ing environmental stewardship

  • Cele­brate diver­sity and inclu­sion: Foster a diverse, inclu­sive, and equi­table commu­nity, recog­niz­ing the unique perspec­tives and talents of our members

  • Connect and amplify: Grow and support our members’ work through exhi­bi­tions, publi­ca­tions, and partnerships

  • Preserve and honor: Recog­nize the lega­cies of our field while embrac­ing new tech­nolo­gies, content, and design approaches

Take Action & Donate Now!

Please consider a gift to The Furni­ture Society today. Your support ensures our field will remain vital for gener­a­tions to come.

Thank you for stand­ing with us. Together, we’ll shape a brighter future for furniture making.


Monica Hampton
Exec­u­tive Direc­tor
The Furni­ture Society

OR Send a check made payable to The Furniture Society” 

The Furni­ture Society / P.O. Box 547, Bangall, NY 12506 / www​.furnsoc​.org

Advanc­ing the art of furni­ture making by inspir­ing creativ­ity, promot­ing excel­lence, and foster­ing an under­stand­ing of this art & its place in society.