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North Bennet Street School Priority Application Deadline

North Bennet Street School, Boston MA

If making useful things by hand is one of your career goals, then NBSS may be a good fit for you.

We seek indi­vid­u­als who are ready, willing, and able to train for careers in craft and trade indus­tries. The programs are rigor­ous and space is limited, so we are selec­tive in our admis­sions process. We strive to break down barri­ers with a commit­ment to diver­sity, equity, and inclu­sion. We also have grown our finan­cial aid offer­ings, which helps make our School more accessible.

Complete your appli­ca­tion by Febru­ary 15 and you’ll be included in our first round of admissions decisions.

Submit an Opportunity