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The Furni­ture Society Educa­tional Grants Program promotes excel­lence in the furni­ture field through finan­cial assis­tance for profes­sional devel­op­ment or for special projects of an educa­tional nature. The program is open to all current members of the Furni­ture Society. *NOTE: with the excep­tion of the BIPOC grant for Ander­son Ranch. See guide­lines for more details.

2025 Educational Grants

Workshop Partnerships

The Furni­ture Society is thrilled to have the oppor­tu­nity to partner with Ander­son Ranch, Arrow­mont, Haystack, John C. Camp­bell Folk School, and Peters Valley to offer schol­ar­ships and grants for the 2025 workshop season.

Once again we are fortu­nate to be able to offer a BIPOC schol­ar­ship through our part­ner­ship with Anderson Ranch!

2024 Educational Grants

Workshop Partnerships

The Furni­ture Society is thrilled to have the oppor­tu­nity to continue our part­ner­ships with Ander­son Ranch, Arrow­mont, Haystack, John C. Camp­bell Folk School, and Peters Valley for the 2024 workshop season.

This year, we are fortu­nate to be able to offer a BIPOC schol­ar­ship through our part­ner­ship with Anderson Ranch!

As an added bonus, we are excited to announce that we have a new Educa­tional Grant partner — Pocosin Arts! Learn more here

2023 Educational Grants

Workshop Partnerships

The Furni­ture Society is thrilled to offer schol­ar­ships through part­ner­ships with Ander­son Ranch, Arrow­mont, Haystack, John C. Camp­bell Folk School, and Peters Valley.

2022 Educational Grants

Workshop Partnerships

Once again, The Furni­ture Society is excited to offer schol­ar­ships through part­ner­ships with Ander­son Ranch, Arrow­mont, Haystack, Peters Valley, and our new part­ners at the John C. Camp­bell Folk School!

2018 Educational Grants

Profes­sional devel­op­ment and special projects grants

This year the Furni­ture Society is pleased to offer four $2000 grants to support profes­sional devel­op­ment or special projects. Grant Recip­i­ents are asked to acknowl­edge the Furni­ture Society publicly in outcomes directly related to oppor­tu­ni­ties funded by an Educational Grant.