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Workshop Partnerships

with four US-based educational institutions

The Furni­ture Society is pleased to feature multi-year Work­shop Part­ner­ships with four US-based educational institutions.

The Work­shop Part­ner­ship Schol­ar­ships are supported through the Educa­tional Grants arm of The Furni­ture Society and provide unique educa­tional oppor­tu­ni­ties open exclu­sively to currently enrolled members of The Furniture Society.

The goal of these part­ner­ships is to promote excel­lence in the furni­ture field through profes­sional devel­op­ment and support­ing projects of an educa­tional nature. Each FS Work­shop Part­ner­ship Schol­ar­ship is designed to high­light an oppor­tu­nity partic­u­lar and unique to the part­ner­ing insti­tu­tion. Work­shop Part­ner­ships allow Furni­ture Society members the oppor­tu­nity to apply for and attend the following workshops

The follow­ing are the 2019 Educa­tional Grant Partnership winners

J Herman cross lamps

Anderson Ranch

Jamie Herman

Immer­sive Furni­ture Exploration Scholarship

H Gore


Holly Gore

Writer’s Resi­dency Workshop

01 Martin Hernandez Sotheby Silhouettes

Haystack Mountain School of Crafts

Martin Hernandez

Wood Studio Scholarship

Leigh Dotey 03

Peters Valley School of Craft

Leigh Dotey

Cross Media Scholarship