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The Furni­ture Society is thrilled to offer schol­ar­ships through part­ner­ships with Ander­son Ranch, Arrow­mont, John C. Camp­bell Folk School, Peters Valley, and Pocosin Arts.

The goal of these part­ner­ships is to promote excel­lence in the furni­ture field through profes­sional devel­op­ment and support­ing projects of an educational nature.

The five part­ner­ships are supported through the Educa­tional Grants arm of The Furni­ture Society and provide unique educa­tional oppor­tu­ni­ties open exclu­sively to currently enrolled members of The Furni­ture Society, with the excep­tion of our part­ner­ship with Ander­son Ranch, which offers a BIPOC-specific grant that is open to both FS members and non-members. Each FS grant is designed to high­light an oppor­tu­nity partic­u­lar and unique to the partnering institution.

Deadline Extended through Sunday, January 5, midnight PT!

Furniture Society Membership NOT Required to Apply For This Grant:

Anderson Ranch Arts Center

Full schol­ar­ship for one BIPOC appli­cant that will cover a one-week work­shop includ­ing tuition, room, and board (triple room option) for a Furni­ture Design and Wood work­shop only. This is a differ­ent form, appli­cants are NOT required to be Furni­ture Society Members to apply.

If the grant winner is inter­ested in taking a two-week work­shop, they can apply the one-week tuition and room & board to the two-week work­shop and the grant winner will need to cover the differ­ence between the two. The Furni­ture Society awards $500 to the grant winner to help offset the cost of travel, meals, fees, and materials.

Check out Ander­son Ranch 2025 workshops here!

Deadline to Apply For All Grants: Sunday, January 5, 202412am PT

Furniture Society Membership is Required to Apply For The Following Grants:

Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts

Full schol­ar­ship for a one-week work­shop, includ­ing basic work­shop tuition, housing, and meals. Appli­cant must be a Furni­ture Society member to apply.

Grant recip­i­ent may opt to pay the differ­ence to upgrade their accom­mo­da­tions or tuition for specific work­shops, and are also respon­si­ble for travel expenses and art mate­r­ial fees asso­ci­ated with their work­shop. The Furni­ture Society offers $500 to recip­i­ent to help offset the cost of travel and mate­ri­als to be reim­bursed after the workshop ends. 

Check out Arrow­mon­t’s 2025 workshops here!

John C. Campbell Folk School

Full tuition for a 1‑week work­shop plus room and board. Addi­tional costs will be mate­r­ial fees for the class and travel (or if they choose to upgrade their housing tier). Appli­cant must be a Furni­ture Society member to apply.

The room and board covered will be for Dormitory/​Double Room housing. Addi­tional costs to the grant recip­i­ent will include mate­r­ial fees for the class and travel (or if they choose to upgrade their housing tier). The Furni­ture Society offers $500 to recip­i­ent to help offset the cost of travel and mate­ri­als to be reim­bursed after the workshop ends.

Check out John C. Camp­bell Folk School 2025 work­shops here!

Peters Valley School of Craft

Full tuition for a 1‑week immer­sive class of the appli­can­t’s choice, in any medium, includes lodging and meals. Travel and studio/​materials fees are the respon­si­bil­ity of the grant recip­i­ent. Appli­cant must be a Furni­ture Society member to apply. The Furni­ture Society offers $500 to recip­i­ent to help offset the cost of travel and mate­ri­als to be reim­bursed after the workshop ends.

Check out Peters Valley 2025 workshops here!

Pocosin Arts School of Fine Craft

Full schol­ar­ship for a one-week work­shop which includes work­shop tuition, housing (quad or double), and meals. This schol­ar­ship can only be applied to Summer 2024 on-campus, in-person work­shops in our wood studio. Grant recip­i­ent is respon­si­ble for travel expenses and material/​studio fees asso­ci­ated with their work­shop. Any housing upgrades are the finan­cial respon­si­bil­ity of the grant recipient.

Check out Pocosin Arts 2024 workshops here