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The Furni­ture Society and Ander­son Ranch are part­ner­ing this year to offer a schol­ar­ship for one BIPOC appli­cant to attend a work­shop for the 2025 summer season.

This oppor­tu­nity includes tuition for a one-week work­shop, room and board for a Furni­ture Design and Wood work­shop, and a 1‑year member­ship to The Furniture Society. 

Appli­cants do NOT need to be a Furni­ture Society member to apply.

Anderson Ranch


  • Appli­ca­tions will be accepted start­ing Decem­ber 42024
  • Dead­line for all submis­sions: January 52025
  • Winner will be noti­fied by January 15, 2025
  • Appli­cant must accept no later than January 20, 2025


  • Review the terms of this grant.
  • Only serious appli­cants should apply. You must be able to take on the finan­cial and time commitment required. 
  • Grant winner will be selected through a jury process. Grant winner will be noti­fied by email on or before January 15, 2025 and will need to accept grant no later than January 20, 2025 other­wise they will forfeit the oppor­tu­nity and the runner-up will be offered the grant opportunity.
  • Grant winner will be expected to submit a written report to the Furni­ture Society no later than Decem­ber 1, 2025, detail­ing their use of the Educa­tional Grant and the impact it had on their career and/​or the field of furni­ture. Reports must include images and a short narra­tive that might be used to promote the Educa­tional Grant program and the mission of the Furniture Society.
  • ELIGI­BIL­ITY REQUIRE­MENTS: Those who have received a grant from The Furni­ture Society in 2024 are NOT eligi­ble. Partic­i­pants must be 18 years of age or older.
  • To apply, you will need to fill out and submit the form below. 
  • You will be asked to submit at least 5 images that best repre­sent you and your work and were created in the last 5 years. These can be uploaded on the appli­ca­tion form below. These may be 5 images of 5 differ­ent pieces, or a variety of your work and details of those pieces. 
  • If you’d like to be consid­ered for more than one grant, you must submit a sepa­rate appli­ca­tion and may only submit one appli­ca­tion per partnering organization. 
  • There will be one winner per grant and no one will win more than one grant per year.


  • One-week work­shop in Furni­ture Design and Wood during the 2025 summer session — cover­ing tuition, room, and board (triple room option). 
  • If the grant winner is inter­ested in taking a two-week work­shop, they can apply the one-week tuition and room & board to the two-week work­shop and the grant winner will need to cover the differ­ence between the two. 
  • The Furni­ture Society offers $500 to the grant winner to help offset the cost of travel, meals, fees, and mate­ri­als. The grant also includes a 1‑year member­ship to The Furniture Society.
  • The grant winner is finan­cially respon­si­ble for any housing upgrades, work­shop upgrades, regis­tra­tion fee ($45), and mate­r­ial fees (Aver­ages $135 – 150 based on the 1‑week workshop chosen).

Where applic­a­ble, classes will be selected after the winner has been chosen and are at the discre­tion of the part­ner­ing orga­ni­za­tion and subject to availability.

Check out Ander­son Ranch 2025 workshops here!

Ques­tions about this oppor­tu­nity or the appli­ca­tion process?
Email Pam Robin­son at education.​director@​furnituresociety.​org

If you are an FS member, please include a link to your profile page here.
Please list the workshop(s) you are interested in taking and why.
In 200 words or less, please describe how this opportunity will advance and/or enhance your career and how the additional grant funds will be used (ie. tuition, travel, materials, etc...)
Please upload at least 3 images of work. (Files must be named as follows: Last name, first name (or first initial), image 1. Ex: SmithAlexImage1, SmithAlexImage2)
Please upload at least 3 images of work. (Files must be named as follows: Last name, first name (or first initial), image 1. Ex: SmithAlexImage1, SmithAlexImage2)
Please upload at least 3 images of work. (Files must be named as follows: Last name, first name (or first initial), image 1. Ex: SmithAlexImage1, SmithAlexImage2)
Please upload at least 3 images of work. (Files must be named as follows: Last name, first name (or first initial), image 1. Ex: SmithAlexImage1, SmithAlexImage2)
Please upload at least 3 images of work. (Files must be named as follows: Last name, first name (or first initial), image 1. Ex: SmithAlexImage1, SmithAlexImage2)
Please list the following for each Image: title, materials, year completed, brief one-sentence description.