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Profes­sional devel­op­ment and special projects grants

This year the Furni­ture Society is pleased to offer four $2000 grants to support profes­sional devel­op­ment or special projects. Grant Recip­i­ents are asked to acknowl­edge the Furni­ture Society publicly in outcomes directly related to oppor­tu­ni­ties funded by an Educational Grant.

Profes­sional devel­op­ment grants support travel, registration/​tuition or other fees for work­shops, semi­nars, confer­ences, appren­tice­ships, resi­den­cies, first-time exhi­bi­tion at a craft/​art/​design show and any other oppor­tu­ni­ties that relate to the applicant’s career development.

Special project grants support exhi­bi­tions, semi­nars, visit­ing-artist programs and research related to the furni­ture field. (Thesis exhi­bi­tions are excluded.)

Grant Recipients

Congrat­u­la­tions to Michaela Crie Stone, Fabiano Serra, Jon Billing and Katie Ott, recip­i­ents of The Furni­ture Soci­ety’s 2018 Educa­tional Grant Awards.

Application Details

Grant Recip­i­ents are asked to acknowl­edge the Furni­ture Society publicly in outcomes directly related to oppor­tu­ni­ties funded by an Educa­tional Grant. Recip­i­ents are also expected to docu­ment their expe­ri­ences and submit a report to the Furni­ture Society by Decem­ber 31st of the year in which they receive the grant. This report will need to include a written summary of the expe­ri­ence, images and/​or other docu­men­ta­tion where applic­a­ble, and a break­down of how the grant is spent. The report may be used in part or total by the Furni­ture Society for promo­tional and accounting purposes.

Current Guide­line and Appli­ca­tion forms are below:

2018 FS Educa­tional Grant Guide­lines
2018 FS Educa­tional Grants Application Form

Ques­tions? Email edu.​grants@​furnituresociety.​org (use FS Educa­tional Grants Ques­tion in the subject line).