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This in-person event is an Intimate Conversation with Mark Sfirri and the 2024/2025 Furniture Society Award of Distinction Recipients

Satur­day, January 11, 2025, 3 – 5pm 

Museum for Art in Wood, Philadel­phia, PA

Michael Hurwitz and John Kelsey - 2024 AoD Honorees

Join us at The Museum for Art in Wood for an inspir­ing evening of insight and reflec­tion as we cele­brate furni­ture maker, Michael Hurwitz and editor, John Kelsey, the distin­guished recip­i­ents of the 2024 – 2025 Furni­ture Society Award of Distinc­tion. This pres­ti­gious award honors excep­tional achieve­ments and a lasting commit­ment to advanc­ing the art of furniture making.

Master furni­ture maker and sculp­tor Mark Sfirri will engage Hurwitz and Kelsey in a thought­ful dialogue about their careers, creative processes, and the impact they’ve made within the world of crafts­man­ship and design. Together, they will explore the intel­lec­tual and aesthetic contri­bu­tions that have shaped their work and enriched the broader furniture-making community.

The Award of Distinc­tion acknowl­edges leaders who have set high stan­dards in the field, foster­ing inno­va­tion, educa­tion, and excellence. 

The offi­cial Award of Distinc­tion cere­mony will take place at FS 25 You are HERE confer­ence June 28, 2025 in Syra­cuse. Stay tuned for details. 

This event is FREE but regis­tra­tion is required

Regis­tra­tion closes Friday, January 10 at 12pm ET

This event is in-person and will take place at :
The Museum for Art in Wood
141 N 3rd Street
Philadel­phia, PA

Mark Sfirri

Master furni­ture maker Mark Sfirri will moder­ate this conversation

About Michael Hurwitz: 

No one working today, or at any other time or place in furni­ture history, has surpassed this Philadel­phia-based maker in quality, inven­tion, and range. The admirable personal qual­i­ties that he possesses are also amply present in his work, which radi­ates the same calm, centered pres­ence as the man himself. Yet his oeuvre is also astound­ingly, even rest­lessly varied. Every­thing he makes, seem­ingly, is a master­work, while also being entirely unique, an inves­ti­ga­tion of some new form, tech­nique, mate­r­ial, or idea (often all of these at once). Among those who have made their living entirely through their furni­ture-making, none is more deserv­ing than Michael.

About John Kelsey: 

John is prob­a­bly best known as the editor of Fine Wood­work­ing maga­zine during the period of its great­est influ­ence, when the publi­ca­tion provided much-needed tech­ni­cal infor­ma­tion and artis­tic inspi­ra­tion to count­less makers, both inside and outside the academy – a life­line to those who were working inde­pen­dently, in those pre-inter­net days. John was also a prac­ti­tioner himself, albeit focused mainly on turning, and it was this under­stand­ing of shop prac­tice, as much as his jour­nal­is­tic inquis­i­tive­ness, that informed the scope of the maga­zine. It is no exag­ger­a­tion to say that he constructed the source code for the studio furniture movement.”