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ICFF Show Floor 4

International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF)

May 17 – 192024

The Furni­ture Society takes Manhattan!

Join us for an educa­tional and engag­ing design and craft expe­ri­ence in New York City as NYCxDe­sign takes over Manhat­tan and beyond.

Over the course of two days, The Furni­ture Society (TFS) will explore Manhat­tan and Brook­lyn studios, galleries, fabri­ca­tion studios, and the ener­getic hub that is the Inter­na­tional Contem­po­rary Furni­ture Fair (ICFF).

This event has passed. Stay tuned for more FS events around the country

Friday evening kicks off our weekend with an infor­mal meet and greet in SoHo.
Satur­day features a whirl­wind tour of maker spaces and galleries in Red Hook, Brook­lyn.
Sunday, TFS has part­nered with The James Renwick Alliance to produce an inspir­ing event at this year’s ICFF. We have teamed up with design writer Adrian Madlener to iden­tify select exhibitors — inde­pen­dent talents and boutique manu­fac­tur­ers — pushing the enve­lope in craft-led furni­ture, light­ing, and acces­sory design. From mate­r­ial exper­i­men­ta­tion to rein­ter­preted arti­sanal tradi­tions, this New York furni­ture fair surveys contemporary craft.

This event will include an intro­duc­tion from ICFF brand direc­tor Odile Hainaut, followed by a guided tour of the show floor led by Adrien Madlener, The Furni­ture Soci­ety’s Exec­u­tive Direc­tor Monica Hampton, and Inde­pen­dent Curator and TFS Board member, Kathryn Hall-Asaro.

Join us for this action-packed series of events, provid­ing atten­dees unpar­al­leled insight and access to some of today’s most promising makers.

Weekend Events:

Friday, May 17 — Manhattan

Infor­mal drinks and conver­sa­tion
Meet and greet your fellow design and craft enthu­si­asts at a cozy SoHo bar. 

Satur­day, May 18 — Brook­lyn
Red Hook Studio Tours

Join TFS on this self-guided explo­ration focused exclu­sively in the vibrant and craft and design commu­nity of Red Hook, Brook­lyn. TFS will be making visits to a variety of furni­ture studios, fabri­ca­tion spaces, restau­rants, and more all located in this dynamic Brooklyn neighborhood. 

Sunday, May 19 — Manhattan

Contem­po­rary Craft at ICFF 2024
Javits Center - Main Show entrance / 429 11th Ave, New York

TFS has part­nered with The James Renwick Alliance to create this final leg of our weekend. TFS and JRA atten­dees will be treated to a break­fast mixer and tour of the ICFF with ICFF + Wanted­De­sign Brand Direc­tor Odile Hainaut followed by a guided tour with New York-based writer and curator Adrian Madlener. 

Thank you to every­one who came out for these fun and educational events!