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IMG 1892

Darcy Resch is an accom­plished acad­e­mic, artist, designer, and wood­worker, dedi­cated to blend­ing creativ­ity with prac­ti­cal crafts­man­ship. Her furni­ture design reflects a harmo­nious fusion of artis­tic vision and tech­ni­cal skill, creat­ing pieces that are both beau­ti­ful and functional. 

Grad­u­ate of North­ern Michi­gan Univer­sity in 2024, she earned a Bach­e­lor of Science with majors in Art and Design, concen­trat­ing in Wood­work­ing and Furni­ture Design, along with a second major in Applied Work­place Lead­er­ship, and a minor in Art History. During her time at NMU, she served as a Resi­dent Advisor in Birch Resi­dence Hall for two years and actively partic­i­pated in several univer­sity commit­tees through the Asso­ci­ated Students of NMU (ASNMU). Addi­tion­ally, she spent the summer of 2023 in Balti­more, MD, working as an RA at Johns Hopkins Univer­sity for the program called the Center for Talented Youth, or CTY. Start­ing in March 2025, Darcy will be pursu­ing a Masters of Archi­tec­ture through the Melbourne School of Design at the Univer­sity of Melbourne in Victo­ria, Australia. Until then, she will work as a Project Coor­di­na­tor and Wood­worker at Signa­ture Wood­work­ing in Savage, MN.

Minneapolis, MN
