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Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show 2025 Philadel­phia Museum of Art

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The 49th Annual Philadel­phia Museum of Art Craft Show, a juried exhi­bi­tion and retail sale, will be held in-person at the Penn­syl­va­nia Conven­tion Center from Novem­ber 7 – 9, 2025, with a Preview Party on Thurs­day, Novem­ber 6. The jury will accept 195 craft artists. This Show of Art by Hand serves as the Muse­um’s largest yearly fundrais­ing event and is devoted to bring­ing wide public atten­tion to the field of craft art. Cumu­la­tive 48-year contri­bu­tion: $15 million. Funds raised are used to purchase works of art and craft for the perma­nent collec­tions of the Philadel­phia Museum of Art, to support exhi­bi­tions and educa­tion programs and to contribute to conser­va­tion and publication projects.