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Supported Artist Residency for artists impacted by the wildfires in Los Angeles Ander­son Ranch Arts Center

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In response to the recent devas­tat­ing fires in the Los Angeles area, Ander­son Ranch is offer­ing a supported resi­dency program this fall for 15 artists affected by the disas­ter with all program fees waived.

Many artists lost their homes, studios, archives, and work, leaving the art commu­nity deeply impacted. Some of these artists have long­stand­ing ties to Ander­son Ranch, while others may be new to us. As a resi­dency based in Western Colorado — a region also vulner­a­ble to wild­fires — we stand in soli­dar­ity with our friends in LA and offer this oppor­tu­nity for recov­ery and renewal. In addi­tion, Helen Molesworth, renowned critic, author, and curator, will be serving as the visit­ing critic for the resi­dency cohort, provid­ing valu­able studio feed­back and construc­tive input to all of the participants.

The Ander­son Ranch Artists-in-Resi­dence program is distin­guished by its excep­tional staff support and world-class facil­i­ties, which we are making avail­able to artists who have lost access to studios, tools, housing, and commu­nity support. Artists impacted by these fires are invited to apply for this 5‑week resi­dency, with program and appli­ca­tion fees waived. This program is open to artists working in paint­ing, print­mak­ing, photog­ra­phy & new media, furni­ture design & wood­work­ing, sculp­ture, and ceram­ics. Artists will be respon­si­ble for travel and mate­r­ial costs. We aim to provide a space for these artists to create, rebuild, and heal during this challenging time.

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