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Intersections: Stephen Hogbin and Mark Sfirri Inter­sec­tions Wood Collaborative

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This virtual presen­ta­tion by wood sculp­tor Mark Sfirri is a reflec­tion about the work by Stephen Hogbin and how it impacted contem­po­rary furni­ture and wood­turn­ing as well as how it impacted his own studio work.
SOCIAL MEDIA Mark Sfirri March 18 2025 v3 LOW

This virtual presen­ta­tion by wood sculp­tor Mark Sfirri is a reflec­tion about the work by Stephen Hogbin and how it impacted contem­po­rary furni­ture and wood­turn­ing as well as how it impacted his own studio work.

Mark Sfirri wrote Hogbin Reflect­ing for Wood­work maga­zine in 2008. Stephen Hogbin was a recip­i­ent of the pres­ti­gious Amer­i­can Asso­ci­a­tion Profes­sional Outreach Program’s Merit Award in 2007, the inau­gural year of the award. Sfirri was the 2024 recip­i­ent of the award. In 2013, The Museum for Art in Wood (MAW then called the Center for Art in Wood) conducted an event titled Stephen Hogbin and Mark Sfirri: Mano a Mano, where they discussed their creative work. As part of Sfir­ri’s 2024 – 2025 La Famiglia solo exhi­bi­tion at MAW in Philadel­phia, he curated a compan­ion show there titled Inspi­ra­tions, Influ­ences, and Collab­o­ra­tions which featured six of Stephen’s Hogbin’s works.

This virtual presen­ta­tion will be broad­cast live on March 18, 2025 from 7 — 8 pm. Regis­tered partic­i­pants will be sent a viewing link prior to the presen­ta­tion to the email address used to regis­ter. A commu­nity viewing will also be held at Inter­sec­tions Wood Collab­o­ra­tive at 299 10th St E, Owen Sound.
