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Quiet Woodworking: In An Unquiet World

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A new book by Norman Pirollo Design on the dichotomy of hand tool wood­work­ing in a modern world.

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Norman Pirollo Design

New book on the dichotomy of hand tool wood­work­ing in a modern world. Discover how hand tools create a quiet, peace­ful, dust free wood­work­ing expe­ri­ence. Sacri­fice some speed but attain a more fulfill­ing, better quality of crafts­man­ship. I delve into how my furni­ture pieces are created using hand tools. I discuss how we need to main­tain a tradi­tion of working with hand tools and more so in today’s envi­ron­ment where tech­nol­ogy perme­ates our lives at every turn. Hand to eye coor­di­na­tion and tactile feed­back are but two of the bene­fits from using hand tools in wood­work­ing. I make a compelling case of intro­duc­ing hand tools into wood­work­ing. 180 pages.

Excerpt from Fore­word: The premise of this book is the dichotomy of hand tool wood­work­ing in a modern world. I delve into how working with hand tools might appear anti­quated and anachro­nis­tic, but the merits disprove this. Wood­work­ing with power tools and machines have become normal­ized over the past century. Our lives are rapidly being over­taken with tech­nol­ogy that thinks for us and performs the labor-inten­sive tasks we were once accus­tomed to. Machines bring an inor­di­nate amount of noise and dust into our lives. This is the conse­quence of intro­duc­ing expe­di­ency to our wood­work­ing. Advance­ments in tech­nol­ogy are viewed as progress, but our minds and bodies have perhaps not kept up. Our bodies were designed to move and work. Hand to eye coor­di­na­tion is a trait devel­oped over thou­sands of years. We are moving away from this by having tech­nol­ogy over­take our daily lives. It is unlikely we will ever return to our former lives where tasks were hand powered. We need to strike a balance in our lives between progress and main­tain­ing tradi­tion. This can occur through hand tool wood­work­ing. There is much to be said of how wood­work­ing was performed in earlier times.”

For more infor­ma­tion and to purchase the book:
