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A Letter From Outgoing FS President Adam Manley

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The Furni­ture Society extends a heart­felt thanks to outgo­ing Pres­i­dent, Adam Manley, for his lead­er­ship of the Board of Directors. 

We are grate­ful for his dedi­cated service, thought­ful guid­ance, and sense of humor. Adam will remain on the Exec­u­tive Commit­tee for the fore­see­able future and we look forward to contin­u­ing our work with him at this level.

Adam Manley
Photo Credit: Stacy Keck

I am honored to have held the posi­tion of Board Pres­i­dent for the Furni­ture Society for the past two years. My term in the role was not without diffi­cul­ties: a world­wide pandemic, a national sea change in conver­sa­tions around race, and so so much more. In the end, I think we were able to make huge strides during this trying time, as an orga­ni­za­tion and as indi­vid­ual members. I am over­joyed that Karen Ernst will be taking over where I left off and I’m confi­dent that she will help to guide us even further into the future. I am happily contin­u­ing on as a board member and will do every­thing I can to help this orga­ni­za­tion stay rele­vant, provide service and content to people across our field, and support those prac­ti­tion­ers, artists, design­ers, cura­tors and more who call the Furni­ture Society Home.”

Learn more about Adam