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Congratulations Mark Sfirri — 2024 AAW’s Professional Outreach Program’s Merit Award Recipient

Furni­ture maker, educa­tor, and author Mark Sfirri received the Amer­i­can Asso­ci­a­tion of Wood­turn­ers 2024 Profes­sional Outreach Program (POP) Merit Award. Merit Award recip­i­ents are indi­vid­u­als selected by the Commit­tee who have shown excep­tional devel­op­ment in their careers as artists and whose artworks have directly influ­enced or had a signif­i­cant impact on other artists within the field of woodturning.

InGrained: Furniture, Sculpture, and Woodturning by Pennsylvania Artists

Decem­ber 2, 2023 – January 202024

Mark Sfirri, the 2008 curator of Across the Grain — A Regional Wood Exhi­bi­tion, returns to WAC to curate InGrained – An Exhi­bi­tion of Penn­syl­va­nia Furni­ture, Sculp­ture and Wood­turn­ing, the 2023 Craft­Forms’ compan­ion show. In addi­tion to being a furni­ture maker and sculp­tor working in wood, Sfirri is also a teacher, researcher, writer, collab­o­ra­tor, photog­ra­pher, and printmaker.

Wendell Castle Remastered

The Furni­ture Society is proud to help promote the follow­ing exhi­bi­tion at the MAD Museum in NYC. Wendell Castle is a 2001 Award of Distinc­tion honoree, and we’re ecsta­tic to share his continued accomplishments: