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Congratulations Wendy Maruyama — 2021 James Renwick Alliance Masters of the Medium Awardee

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Each year the James Renwick Alliance recog­nizes Masters of the Medium in five fields of endeavor: outstand­ing artists in the fields of ceram­ics, wood, glass, metals, and fiber. This pres­ti­gious bien­nial award given by the JRA Craft has honored some of the most signif­i­cant artists in American Craft.

I think craft in general is a very gener­ous and commu­nal group of people, more so prob­a­bly than the painters and the sculp­tors, I think. Partic­u­larly wood­work­ers, they’re extremely willing to give a hand”

Wendy Maruyama — Furni­ture Maker, Artist, Professor

Wendy Maruyama is one of the first two women to receive a Masters of Fine Arts in Furni­ture Design at the Rochester Insti­tute of Tech­nol­ogy, NY and has been a profes­sor of wood­work­ing and furni­ture design for over thirty years, serving as the head of the Furni­ture Design depart­ment at San Diego State Univer­sity. While her early work combined ideolo­gies of femi­nism and tradi­tional craft objects, her newer work moves beyond the bound­aries of tradi­tional studio craft and into the realm of social prac­tice. Her contem­po­rary bodies of work focus public atten­tion on wildlife poach­ing, and commen­tary as her expe­ri­ence as a Japanese-American. 

Wendy’s work can be found in the collec­tions of Renwick Gallery of the Smith­son­ian Amer­i­can Art Museum in Wash­ing­ton, DC, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Dallas Art Museum, the Victo­ria and Albert Museum in London, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, the Queen Victo­ria Museum and Art Gallery in Tasma­nia, Australia, the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, the Philadel­phia Museum of Art, the Museum of Craft and Design in San Fran­cisco, the Mint Museum of Art in Char­lotte, North Carolina, the Fuller Craft Museum in Brock­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts, and more.

The James Renwick Alliance is an inde­pen­dent national non-profit orga­ni­za­tion that cele­brates the achieve­ments of America’s craft artists and fosters schol­ar­ship, educa­tion, connois­seur­ship and public appre­ci­a­tion of craft art. If you are not already a member, we invite you to become one. 

More infor­ma­tion about JRA can be found on their website.