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Craft For a Greater Good: Sharing Stories, Building Community, Lasting Legacies

Friday, Jun 9 11:45 – 12:45 in Loyola University - Nunemaker Auditorium

What power does Craft hold in shaping and build­ing commu­nity? How can we use our powers for the greater good? The Furni­ture Society’s commu­nity-based initia­tive, Craft For a Greater Good has been making a differ­ence through making in the commu­nity of Asheville, NC for the past two years and is poised to launch the next iter­a­tion in New Orleans in part­ner­ship with YAYA (Young Aspi­ra­tion, Young Artists), a youth-service arts organization. 

Join us for a conver­sa­tion about the power­ful legacy of this ongoing project, a testi­mony to how collab­o­ra­tion, creative problem solving, creat­ing beauty and love with your hands and heart are true exam­ples of the hand­made making a differ­ence in build­ing stronger, more engaged communities. 

Craft for a Greater Good (CGG) is an initia­tive of The Furni­ture Society to connect with and serve our annual confer­ence cities through part­ner­ships and the creation of impactful projects. 

Come make with us in the after­noons during the confer­ence for two immer­sive after­noons of making at YAYA.

Friday, June 9 Day 1: Story Telling Chairs
Satur­day, June 10 Day 2: Chair Trans­for­ma­tions through Uphol­stery & Seat Weaving
