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Craft for a Greater Good Hands-on Workshop at YAYA - Day 1: Storytelling Chairs

Friday, Jun 9 2:30 – 5:15 in YAYA Arts Center

YAYA Arts Center
3322 LaSalle Street
New Orleans, LA — 70115


Craft for a Greater Good (CGG) is an initia­tive of The Furni­ture Society to connect with and serve our annual confer­ence cities through part­ner­ships and the creation of impact­ful projects. For the last two years we were lucky to share this initia­tive with our part­ners in Asheville: BeLoved and UNCA Steam Studio. Furni­ture Society members and local partic­i­pants made and repur­posed furni­ture for the homes being built for the BeLoved Village, a deeply afford­able neigh­bor­hood in the heart of Asheville, NC. This year we are part­ner­ing with YAYA, a youth service orga­ni­za­tion based in NOLA

Join us at YAYA for two immer­sive after­noons during the confer­ence as we cele­brate the power of collab­o­ra­tion and commu­nity and launch the next chapter of CGG!

Day 1: Story­telling Chairs
Every culture has its own stories or narra­tives, which are shared as a means of enter­tain­ment, educa­tion, instill­ing moral values or cultural preser­va­tion. YAYA (Young Aspi­ra­tions, Young Artists) contin­ues the tradi­tions of story­telling with the use of repur­posed chairs. In part 1 of our two-part work­shop, FS23 confer­ence atten­dees will create a YAYA story­telling chair. Atten­dees, will work along­side YAYA youth artist and local lead artist Rontherin Ratliff to trans­form every­day chairs into stories told in bold colors and fun shapes.

Don’t forget to come to the 2nd day of making:
Satur­day, June 10, Day 2: Chair Trans­for­ma­tions Through Uphol­stery & Seat Weaving

All mate­ri­als provided — just bring along your imagination!

Chairs will be auctioned at YAYA’s annual fundraiser with proceeds bene­fit­ing a local organization. 
