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2023 Steffi Dotson Service Awardees: Brent Skidmore & Leslie Rosenberg

Saturday, Jun 10 9:00 – 9:15 in Loyola University - Nunemaker Auditorium

The Furni­ture Society is pleased to be award­ing the 2023 Steffi Dotson Service Award to Brent Skid­more and Leslie Rosen­berg of UNCAsheville’s STEAM Studio for their work with our Craft For a Greater Good community program. 

The Steffi Dotson Service Award recog­nizes an active member of The Furni­ture Society who has demon­strated an extra­or­di­nar­ily dedi­cated effort on behalf of and/​or to the benefit of the Society. The Award is named in honor of past Pres­i­dent Stef­fanie Dotson whose dedi­ca­tion and service during her tenure as Pres­i­dent and as a Trustee ensured The Furni­ture Society’s contin­u­ing strength and accom­plish­ments during a period of great transition.

Over the past two years, and during the pandemic, the Furni­ture Society worked with Brent Skid­more and Leslie Rosen­berg on our our Craft For a Greater Good commu­nity program. to help form mean­ing­ful rela­tion­ships in the commu­nity of Asheville, connect­ing with and serving the Asheville commu­nity through the creation of impact­ful projects. In this version of CGG, Brent and Leslie tire­lessly worked to create and main­tain the rela­tion­ship between UNC Asheville’s STEAM Studio, The Furni­ture Society and BeLoved Asheville, as we created furni­ture solu­tions for the micro-home village being built by BeLoved for the home­less inse­cure popu­la­tion in Asheville. Brent and Leslie helped us bring together a commu­nity of makers across the country who gave their time, created educa­tional expe­ri­ences, and made prod­ucts to donate to BeLoved, and truly helped boost and promote Craft for a Greater Good on a national scale, shining the light on the work and impact we are having on commu­ni­ties in need.

The Furni­ture Society is grate­ful for the combined and heart­felt efforts of Brent Skid­more and Leslie Rosen­berg in helping us shape this version of Craft For a Greater Good, contribut­ing to some­thing as profound as creat­ing furni­ture for housing the home­less which truly exem­pli­fies the program’s intent. The Furni­ture Society and the Board of Direc­tors owe Brent and Leslie a debt of grat­i­tude for their service and are honored to cele­brate their efforts 

This year’s award is designed by The Furni­ture Society thanks Ellie Richards for design­ing this year’s Steffi Dotson Service Award.