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Leslie Rosenberg

Artist, Maker, Educator

Leslie Rosenberg

Leslie Rosen­berg is a cata­lyst for collec­tive creativ­ity. She began her commu­nity arts journey in Port­land Oregon, as chair­per­son of Metro Murals, a murals advo­cacy non-profit. As the daugh­ter of an art teacher, she had all sorts of oppor­tu­ni­ties to exper­i­ment with art media as a child. As an adult, she consid­ers herself a ​“profes­sor of expe­ri­ence” having taught K‑12 art, adven­ture therapy to at-risk teens, and currently a shop tech­ni­cian at UNCA’s STEAM Studio Maker’s space. Leslie studied at Wesleyan Univer­sity, PNCA, Western Carolina Univer­sity, Penland School of Crafts, and Ander­son Ranch. She is an artist who works mainly in wood, but has dabbled in lots of other media. Leslie believes in the power of self-expres­sion and art to bring people together.

Leslie Rosenberg is the co-recipient of the 2023 Steffi Dotson Service Award and will be honored at the 2023 Furniture Society conference in NOLA on Saturday, June 10 at 9am.



Conference Sessions