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Brent Skidmore

Artist, Maker, Educator

Brent Skidmore

When he is not working as the Public Arts & Human­i­ties Chair for UNC Asheville, in the Asheville commu­nity or assist­ing with STEAM Studio projects, Brent Skid­more is focused on mentor­ship and commu­nity work focused on social change through collab­o­ra­tive making. He has been teach­ing in many capac­i­ties for 30 years at univer­si­ties and many of the craft programs across the nation such as Penland, Arrow­mont, Haystack, Ander­son Ranch and Peter’s Valley. In 2007, Brent accepted his current posi­tion at UNC Asheville where he contin­ues to teach in the depart­ment of Art and Art History while collab­o­rat­ing with his peers in Engi­neer­ing and Art to develop STEAM Studio @ the RAMP, a 12,000 square foot fabri­ca­tion and design lab built for inter­dis­ci­pli­nary teams focused on collab­o­ra­tion and innovation.

Brent contin­ues to serve as an advo­cate for craft educa­tion, schol­ar­ship, and the profes­sional devel­op­ment of young artists. Brent has served as a board member for the Center for Craft, Creativ­ity and Design, an orga­ni­za­tion that works to advance the aware­ness and impor­tance of craft in acad­e­mia and the main­stream. He has also served as a board member for Craft Emer­gency Relief Fund, CERF+ that works to safe­guard and sustain the careers of craft artists and provides emer­gency resources that benefit all artists. Along with his work to advance the under­stand­ing and power of craft, commu­nity collab­o­ra­tions and cross-disci­pli­nary making, Brent has most recently worked collab­o­ra­tively to build finan­cial support for SkillSet at STEAM Studio. He has also served as a board member and now consult­ing partner to Jour­ney­men Asheville, a mentor­ing orga­ni­za­tion for 12 to 17 yr. old boys, to develop Craft­ing Passages at STEAM Studio.

Brent Skidmore is the co-recipient of the 2023 Steffi Dotson Service Award and will be honored at the 2023 Furniture Society conference in NOLA on Saturday, June 10 at 9am.



Conference Sessions