Open to current members of The Furniture Society (both individuals and institutional/organizations). Anyone can join TFS to be eligible to apply. Sign up / renew here: https://furnsoc.org/members/join
Open to applicants from all backgrounds regardless of geographic region within the US, age, gender, demographics, project scope, and organizational mission.
The EFASO program is restricted to US-based furniture makers and US-based exhibiting institutions. Eligible US exhibiting venues include: For-profit and nonprofit organizations; Museums; Galleries; Retail-based environments (craft shows, professional marketplace opportunities, etc.)
Applications Accepted Beginning: Monday, September 16, 2019
Applications Due: Friday, November 8, 2019 — 11:59PM Pacific
Recipients Notified: December 5, 2019
Exhibition verifications: March 9, 2020
Waitlisted artists’ notification: March 16, 2020
Exhibitions must occur between: January 1, 2020 — December 31, 2021
How To Apply
To apply: Complete online application form, including:
- 1 to 5 images, incl. detail shots if appropriate
- Individuals: Resume/CV; verification of inclusion in exhibition
- Personal Statement/Artist’s Statement/Institutional statement
Attachments must adhere to the following naming convention:
For images: Last name, first name (or first initial), image 1. Ex: SmithAlexImage1, SmithAlexImage2
For resume: Last name, first name (or first initial), resume. Ex: SmithAlexResume
For Statement: Last name, first name (or first initial), statement. Ex: SmithAlexStatement
For exhibiting verification: Last name, first name (or first initial), Exhibitverification. Ex: SmithAlexExhibitverification
For images: Institution Name image 1. Ex: SmithmuseumImage1 SmithmuseumImage2
For statement: Ex: SmithmuseumStatement
Jury Process
The Furniture Society will select grant recipients through an independent juried process. This years jurors are: Brian & Melanie Boggs, Julie Muñiz, and Allan Wexler. Read more about our jurors HERE.
All exhibiting/exposure opportunities must be future in planning. Exhibitions already taking place are ineligible for EFASO support. Exhibitions must take place between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2021.
Applicants must submit verification of their participation inclusion in an exhibition, i.e. official email or letter from exhibiting venue with their application. Artists waiting on acceptance into an exhibition (waitlisted) must provide verification of acceptance no later than March 9, 2020.
Exhibiting institutions and individual artists may separately apply for the same exhibition opportunity. Each application will be juried based on its own merit.
Promotion & Acknowledgement
Within one month of exhibition opening, grant recipients will provide TFS with:
- Promotion: Inclusion of TFS logo and EFASO Grant in print or online materials — Prominent TFS and EFASO logo display in exhibition venue or in vicinity to artwork supported by grant.
- One-page written report (short summary of experience, impact of the grant)
- Photo(s) of work in exhibition
- Social media: If applicable use Instagram: Add #EFASO and #furnituresociety Facebook: Add/tag The Furniture Society
- If grant recipients are able to attend a future TFS conference, they may be given main stage time to present on their experiences. If recipients are unable to attend the conference, their work may be presented in their absence.
Download PDF of Application Guidelines HERE
If you would like more information about the EFASO Program, please contact Monica Hampton and Katrina Carlson at efaso@furnituresociety.org