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EFASO web 02


Open to current members of The Furni­ture Society (both indi­vid­u­als and institutional/​organizations). Anyone can join TFS to be eligi­ble to apply. Sign up / renew here: https://​furnsoc​.org/​m​e​m​b​e​r​s​/join

Open to appli­cants from all back­grounds regard­less of geographic region within the US, age, gender, demo­graph­ics, project scope, and organizational mission.

The EFASO program is restricted to US-based furni­ture makers and US-based exhibit­ing insti­tu­tions. Eligi­ble US exhibit­ing venues include: For-profit and nonprofit orga­ni­za­tions; Museums; Galleries; Retail-based envi­ron­ments (craft shows, profes­sional market­place oppor­tu­ni­ties, etc.) 


Appli­ca­tions Accepted Begin­ning: Monday, Septem­ber 162019

Appli­ca­tions Due: Friday, Novem­ber 8, 2019 — 11:59PM Pacific

Recip­i­ents Noti­fied: Decem­ber 52019

Exhi­bi­tion veri­fi­ca­tions: March 92020

Wait­listed artists’ noti­fi­ca­tion: March 162020

Exhi­bi­tions must occur between: January 1, 2020 — Decem­ber 312021

How To Apply

To apply: Complete online appli­ca­tion form, includ­ing:

- 1 to 5 images, incl. detail shots if appropriate

- Indi­vid­u­als: Resume/​CV; veri­fi­ca­tion of inclu­sion in exhibition

- Personal Statement/Artist’s Statement/​Institutional statement

Attach­ments must adhere to the follow­ing naming convention:


For images: Last name, first name (or first initial), image 1. Ex: SmithAlexImage1, SmithAlexImage2

For resume: Last name, first name (or first initial), resume. Ex: SmithAlexResume

For State­ment: Last name, first name (or first initial), state­ment. Ex: SmithAlexStatement

For exhibit­ing veri­fi­ca­tion: Last name, first name (or first initial), Exhibitver­i­fi­ca­tion. Ex: SmithAlexExhibitverification


For images: Insti­tu­tion Name image 1. Ex: SmithmuseumImage1 SmithmuseumImage2

For state­ment: Ex: SmithmuseumStatement

Jury Process

The Furni­ture Society will select grant recip­i­ents through an inde­pen­dent juried process. This years jurors are: Brian & Melanie Boggs, Julie Muñiz, and Allan Wexler. Read more about our jurors HERE.


All exhibiting/​exposure oppor­tu­ni­ties must be future in plan­ning. Exhi­bi­tions already taking place are inel­i­gi­ble for EFASO support. Exhi­bi­tions must take place between January 1, 2020 and Decem­ber 31, 2021.

Appli­cants must submit veri­fi­ca­tion of their partic­i­pa­tion inclu­sion in an exhi­bi­tion, i.e. offi­cial email or letter from exhibit­ing venue with their appli­ca­tion. Artists waiting on accep­tance into an exhi­bi­tion (wait­listed) must provide veri­fi­ca­tion of accep­tance no later than March 92020.

Exhibit­ing insti­tu­tions and indi­vid­ual artists may sepa­rately apply for the same exhi­bi­tion oppor­tu­nity. Each appli­ca­tion will be juried based on its own merit.

Promotion & Acknowledgement

Within one month of exhi­bi­tion opening, grant recip­i­ents will provide TFS with:

- Promo­tion: Inclu­sion of TFS logo and EFASO Grant in print or online mate­ri­als — Promi­nent TFS and EFASO logo display in exhi­bi­tion venue or in vicin­ity to artwork supported by grant. 

- One-page written report (short summary of expe­ri­ence, impact of the grant)

- Photo(s) of work in exhibition 

- Social media: If applic­a­ble use Insta­gram: Add #EFASO and #furni­ture­so­ci­ety Face­book: Add/​tag The Furniture Society

- If grant recip­i­ents are able to attend a future TFS confer­ence, they may be given main stage time to present on their expe­ri­ences. If recip­i­ents are unable to attend the confer­ence, their work may be presented in their absence.

Down­load PDF of Appli­ca­tion Guide­lines HERE

If you would like more infor­ma­tion about the EFASO Program, please contact Monica Hampton and Katrina Carlson at efaso@​furnituresociety.​org