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EFASO web 02

The EFASO program objec­tive is to encour­age exhi­bi­tions and oppor­tu­ni­ties for broader expo­sure of quality furni­ture and sculp­tural objects at the national level in further­ance of The Furni­ture Society’s mission. This program has been made possi­ble through the gener­ous support of the John and Robyn Horn Foundation.

APPLI­CA­TIONS DUE no later than NOVEM­BER 8, 2019 at 12 midnight EST.

Please refer to Appli­ca­tion Guide­lines for Eligi­bil­ity and How to Apply.

Please indicate if your are applying as an exhibiting "Institution" or as an "Individual" maker.
What is the location/address of the exhibiting opportunity?
What is the exhibition venue and/or exhibition title?
All exhibiting/exposure opportunities must be taking place in 2020 or later. Exhibitions already taking place are ineligible for EFASO support. What are the dates of the exhibition or dates of the exhibiting opportunity?
REQUIRED ONLY FOR INDIVIDUAL APPLICANTS. Please upload your Resume/CV as a PDF or Word Doc.
Please upload at least 1 image of work (or similar work) to be included in this exhibition. Image files must be named as follows: Last name, first name (or first initial), image 1. Ex: SmithAlexImage1, SmithAlexImage2
List the following for each uploaded image: Title, Size, and Materials, ie: 1.) "Dining Table", 30"x30"x10", wood, metal, found objects.
Please upload verification of proposed exhibition (Institution) or your inclusion in this exhibition (Individual), ie: press release, invitation by institution or curator to participate, or submission to a call for entry.
(up to 200 words)

By submit­ting this appli­ca­tion, you are agree­ing to the follow­ing terms and grant guide­lines put forth by the Furni­ture Society. WE REQUIRE ALL APPLI­CANTS ADHERE TO THESE STIP­U­LA­TIONS:
-Must be a current member of The Furni­ture Society. Become a TFS member here: https://​furnsoc​.org/​m​e​m​b​e​rs/jo…
-Must be a US-based maker or insti­tu­tion
-Must be display­ing work at an eligi­ble US exhibit­ing venue: For profit and nonprofit orga­ni­za­tions; Museums; Galleries; Retail-based envi­ron­ments (craft shows, profes­sional market­place oppor­tu­ni­ties, etc.)
-Must be 18 years or older
-Completed online appli­ca­tion includ­ing all supple­men­tal mate­ri­als (Resume/​CV, 5 images, veri­fi­ca­tion of inclu­sion, and Statement).