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Our Mission

To advance the art of furni­ture making by inspir­ing creativ­ity, promot­ing excel­lence, and foster­ing an under­stand­ing of this art and its place in society. 

Our vision is to culti­vate a diverse commu­nity and conver­sa­tion around furni­ture in all its forms.

July 22 – 282024

Featured Student Member: Lily Tilton

Lily Tilton is a grad­u­ate of North Bennet Street School’s Cabinet and Furni­ture Making program and comes from a line of self-taught wood­work­ers. She held a fellow­ship at the Center for Furni­ture Crafts­man­ship and is currently a teach­ing assis­tant at NBSS for the full-time Cabinet and Furni­ture Making program.


Become a Member

With access to members-only sections of our website, discounts on work­shops, members-only events and much more, becom­ing a member is both a strate­gic and finan­cial value. Follow the link below about the bene­fits of each type of member­ship and why you should join.