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Positions, Staff

Nuts & Bolts Professional Development Administrator

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!

The Furni­ture Society (TFS) is looking for an indi­vid­ual to work with staff to develop the Nuts & Bolts (N&B) profes­sional devel­op­ment program­ming — both virtual and/​or in-person. Programs include presen­ta­tions, work­shops, and mentorships.

Nuts Bolts for web

Nuts & Bolts Profes­sional Devel­op­ment Administrator Position

The Furni­ture Society (TFS) is looking for an indi­vid­ual to work with staff to develop the Nuts & Bolts (N&B) profes­sional devel­op­ment program­ming. TFS staff will assist the Nuts & Bolts Admin­is­tra­tor to iden­tify the best people in their field for these roles.

The Nuts & Bolts of Running Your Busi­ness is an ongoing series of profes­sional devel­op­ment programs, both virtual and in-person, that offer insights, guid­ance, and profes­sional prac­tices through presen­ta­tions, work­shops, and mentor­ships. Each program is designed to share the infor­ma­tion and tools needed to help develop and​advance careers, and grow businesses.

Roles & Responsibilities

Contract through June 2025 to produce six programs for three 2024 Nuts & Bolts profes­sional devel­op­ment program seasons: 

  • Fall season (Oct-Dec)
  • Winter season (Jan-Mar)
  • Spring season (Apr-Jun)

Work with TFS staff to produce: 

  • Fall programs no later than August 31, 2024 (this program will already be in the works)
  • Winter programs no later than Dec 12024
  • Spring programs no later than March 12024
  • (dates can be modi­fied if needed)

-All six program titles will be deter­mined no later than Dec 15, 2024
-Outreach to presen­ters
-Manage N&B program Google folders, docu­ments, and spread­sheets on TFS drive
-Creates and manages presen­ter contracts
-Manage titles, descrip­tions, images, and moder­ate programs when possi­ble.
-Work with Educa­tion Direc­tor to upload all programs to website
-Work with commu­ni­ca­tions team to promote in newslet­ter and on social media

Job Type:

Remote, part-time, flex­i­ble hours, 9 month contract

Bene­fits for the dura­tion of the contract:

-Member­ship to The Furni­ture Society
-Free regis­tra­tion to all virtual events
-Discounted regis­tra­tion for regional events
-Full confer­ence pass and lodging (TBD by staff) — if staying on to help plan N&B profes­sional devel­op­ment for the confer­ence (addi­tional pay and hours)


$1700 per 3‑month season (x 3 = $5100)

Dead­line to apply: 

August 152024

Start date:

First week of September 2024

Please send resume and brief state­ment of inter­est to:
Subject line: Nuts & Bolts Administrator Job

The Furni­ture Society is a non-profit, member-based orga­ni­za­tion repre­sent­ing, promot­ing, and connect­ing furni­ture makers, design­ers, collec­tors, cura­tors, educa­tors, and manu­fac­tur­ers from around the world.