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Positions, Internship

2025 Conference Media Intern

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!

The Furni­ture Society is looking for a creative, self-moti­vated (but works well with others) person to help us plan a market­ing strat­egy and spread the word about next year’s conference.

NOLA Chelsea and Larissa Presentation 2

2025 Confer­ence Media Intern

Are you a great story­teller? Do you like sharing infor­ma­tion and spread­ing the word about events that excite you? If we’ve peaked your inter­est, this intern­ship is for YOU!

The Furni­ture Society (TFS) is looking for a creative, self-moti­vated (but works well with others) person to help us plan a market­ing strat­egy and spread the word about next year’s conference.

This is a great learn­ing oppor­tu­nity for anyone inter­ested in helping TFS boost our brand and create and share content while build­ing their own marketing skills.

Working with TFS staff, the Confer­ence Media Intern will assist in market­ing the confer­ence taking place in Syra­cuse in June 2025.

In concert with TFS Staff:

  • Develop language to promote the confer­ence to be used in all marketing campaigns

  • Estab­lish a time­line for market­ing the conference 

  • Create social media campaigns working with social media intern

  • Assist staff with editing language for website includ­ing photographs, bios, presentation descriptions 

  • Main­tain­ing and updat­ing confer­ence website as new mate­ri­als come in and time­line towards conference progresses.

  • Create market­ing outreach lists for promo­tion of confer­ence (schools, list­servs, programs of making, galleries, etc…)


  • Knowl­edge of social media platforms

  • Ability to upload content to a website

  • Strong edito­r­ial skills (writing and editing text)

  • Highly orga­nized

  • Works well inde­pen­dently, but also as part of a team

Job Type:

Remote, part-time (flex­i­ble hours TBD), 9 month contract
Novem­ber 2024 to July 2025

Paid Intern­ship:


Bene­fits for the dura­tion of the contract:

-1-year member­ship to The Furni­ture Society
-Free regis­tra­tion to all virtual events
-Discounted regis­tra­tion for regional events
-Full confer­ence pass and lodging (TBD by staff)

Dead­line to apply:

October 12024

Start date:

Novem­ber 42024

Please send resume and brief state­ment of inter­est to:
Subject line: Confer­ence Media Internship

The Furni­ture Society is a non-profit, member-based orga­ni­za­tion repre­sent­ing, promot­ing, and connect­ing furni­ture makers, design­ers, collec­tors, cura­tors, educa­tors, and manu­fac­tur­ers from around the world.