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Twelve-week Furniture Intensive Scholarship Center for Furniture Craftsmanship

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!
Our twelve-week Furni­ture Inten­sive is a hands-on program designed to provide the foun­da­tional skills of furni­ture making whether you are consid­er­ing wood­work­ing as a profes­sion or a serious hobby.
CF Cweb image

Spend three months in a fully equipped shop with daily, personal instruc­tion from two faculty for only twelve students. The Inten­sive curricu­lum includes design, lumber selec­tion, joinery, tradi­tional hand skills, machine tech­niques, surface prep, finish­ing, shop main­te­nance, visits to profes­sional shops, and advanced tech­niques includ­ing lami­nate bending, cooper­ing, shop-sawn and commer­cial veneer use, joinery in curved appli­ca­tions, and more.

We have one $4500 schol­ar­ship avali­able for our upcom­ing Inten­sive course, which runs from October 28, 2024 — January 24, 2025. You can follow this link for more infor­ma­tion: https://​wood​school​.org/​w​o​od-sc…