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Presentation: Bad Habits and Good Practices: A Conversation with Morgan Hill

Saturday, Jun 10 11:45 – 12:45

Morgan Hill is a multi­dis­ci­pli­nary artist whose body of work defies cate­go­riza­tion, sashay­ing between furni­ture, sculp­ture, jewelry, instal­la­tion, and less defin­able creative outcomes. She is co-founder of the partner-run Treats Studios and was awarded the 2022 Chrysalis Award for wood by the James Renwick Alliance. In this brief hour, Morgan shares her path and expe­ri­ences, which are deeply etched into the layers of her compelling, bold, and uncompromising work.

Thank you to The Bresler Family Foun­da­tion for support­ing this program!


The Bresler Foundation