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Member’s Exhibition at the Conference

Orga­nized by The Furni­ture Society (TFS), the FS23 Member’s Exhi­bi­tion provides an oppor­tu­nity for members to show­case their work, and to see the work of their fellow members. 

If you’d like to partic­i­pate, you must submit the follow­ing Google form by Wed, June 7 to guar­an­tee that we can accom­mo­date your submission.

Exhi­bi­tion Dates

June 9 – June 10, 2023: during the FS23 Furni­ture Society Conference

Artist Eligi­bil­ity and Important Information

  • FS23 Member’s Exhi­bi­tion is open to all Furni­ture Society members attend­ing FS23 in New Orleans.

  • Artists may enter up to two (2) pieces of work. 

  • All partic­i­pants are respon­si­ble for installing their own artwork. NO work can be hung on a wall. Work must be no greater than 60 inches in any dimension. 

  • Artists must agree to Waiver of Liabil­ity and Hold Harm­less Agree­ment in order to participate

Require­ments for Participation

  • Artwork must arrive at Loyola Diboll Gallery, 6363 St. Charles Avenue (Monroe Library 4th floor) no later than the night of Thurs­day June 8, with possi­ble deliv­ery times on the morning of Friday June 9. Please coor­di­nate your drop-off arrange­ments with TFS Pres­i­dent Karen Ernst kernst@​pennwest.​edu (more details will be emailed to partic­i­pants before the exhibition).

  • Artists are respon­si­ble for transit, insur­ance, and instal­la­tion of artwork. 

  • Artists will partic­i­pate at their own risk. TFS and Loyola Univer­sity cannot be respon­si­ble for any damages to the submitted artwork. 

  • TFS reserves the right to photo­graph and distrib­ute any images of work in the exhi­bi­tion for educa­tional or public­ity purposes, via elec­tronic or print media of any kind.

Address ques­tions regard­ing appli­ca­tion guide­lines and submis­sion process to Adam Manley at amanley@​sdsu.​edu

*The Furni­ture Society and Loyola Univer­sity have the right to refuse any work.