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Tom Loeser

Evening Presenter

Furniture Maker + Educator

Tom Loeser

Tom Loeser (Madison, Wiscon­sin) served as Chair of the Univer­sity of Wiscon­sin-Madison Depart­ment of Art from 2009 – 2014 and has been head of the wood/​furniture area at UW-Madison since 1991.

Loeser designs and builds one-of-a-kind func­tional and dysfunc­tional objects that are often carved and painted and always draw inspi­ra­tion from the history of design and object making.

In addi­tion to produc­ing studio furni­ture, Loeser has also worked on a number of public commis­sions and site-specific instal­la­tions includ­ing for the Madison Children’s Museum and the new down­town public library in Madison, Wisconsin.

Loeser’s work has been featured in many national and inter­na­tional exhi­bi­tions and can be found in impor­tant museum collec­tions includ­ing the Brook­lyn Museum, Fuller Craft Museum, Museum of Arts and Design, Racine Art Museum, the Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art, Smith­son­ian Amer­i­can Art Museum’s Renwick Gallery and the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, Yale Univer­sity Art Gallery, among others. His solo exhi­bi­tion Please Please Please is currently trav­el­ing to three venues in Cali­for­nia and Texas. He was elected to the Amer­i­can Craft Council College of Fellows in 2012.

Instagram: @tomloeser

Conference Sessions