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National Day of Making


Saturday, Jun 11 10:00 – 9:00

FS22: Working Together

Saturday, June 112022

Regional in-person events happening around the country!

Regional Partners

Spruce Pine, NC

Treats Studios

Join us from 11am-1pm CDT for studio tours and a commu­nity build project to support Craft for a Greater Good and BeLoved Asheville.

Treats Studios is located in down­town Spruce Pine, NC, nestled in the Blue Ridge Moun­tains. They are 15 minutes from Penland School of Craft and an hour from Asheville. This artist-rich commu­nity is a welcom­ing and support­ive envi­ron­ment for young and estab­lished artists alike.

216 Oak Ave, Spruce Pine, NC 28777

For more infor­ma­tion contact Hello@​TreatsStudios.​org

Stoughton, WI

Tom Loeser Boxes

Tour of Boxing Match with Theresa Abel

Insta­gram live: 12:30pm EDT @furnituresociety

Sat, June 1111am CDT

Abel Contem­po­rary Gallery

524 East Main Street • Stoughton, Wisconsin 53589


Philadelphia, PA

The Center for Art in Wood

Insta­gram live: 2pm EDT @furnituresociety

12:00 pm — 3:00 pm EDT 

Free Range Carving Meet-up

In cele­bra­tion of National Day of Making, the Center for Art in Wood and the Furni­ture Society are teaming up to present a fun day and creative day of Free Range Carving. Grab your widdling tools and wood for an after­noon of carving, conver­sa­tion, and cama­raderie. If you don’t have own tools and supplies, not to worry— spoon carving kits are avail­able for purchase in the Center’s store. After­ward, we’ll continue the festiv­i­ties nearby at the Inde­pen­dence Beer Garden for cock­tails, games, and snacks.


2:00 pm & 4:00 pm EDT 

Gallery Tour for Spoons to Stir the Soul: The World of Norm Sartorius

Join us for a guided tour of our current exhi­bi­tion, Spoons to Stir the Soul: The World of Norm Sarto­rius. Spoons to Stir the Soul is the first career retro­spec­tive exhi­bi­tion cele­brat­ing the life and work of extra­or­di­nary wood carver Norm Sarto­rius. In a career span­ning more than 40 years, he has liter­ally carved a niche for himself, opening new doors for creative possi­bil­i­ties in the mate­r­ial of wood. The exhi­bi­tion includes many of Sartorius’s finest works, selected from some of the premier private and public collec­tions in the United States. The show traces the dynamic evolu­tion of the artist’s creative expres­sions, from his earli­est efforts as a profes­sional wood­worker in the 1970s to his commit­ment to the spoon as a fine-art cate­gory in the 1980s and 90s, and culmi­nat­ing with his current mature vision, aesthetic refine­ment, and wood­work­ing mastery — all of which have produced a unique and deeply soul-stir­ring oeuvre of art-in-wood.

https://​center​forart​in​wood​.org/​e​v​e​n​t​/​g​a​l​l​e​r​y​-​t​o​u​r​-​f​o​r​-​s​p​o​o​n​s​-​t​o​-​s​t​i​r​-​t​h​e​-​s​o​u​l​-​t​h​e​-​w​o​r​l​d​-​o​f​-​n​o​r​m​-​s​a​r​t​o​r​i​u​s​/2022 – 06-11/


San Diego, CA

San Diego Craft Collective

San Diego Craft Collective

Insta­gram live: 8pm EDT @furnituresociety

Join San Diego Craft Collec­tive and The Furni­ture Society for an open house event at the Craft Collec­tive’s head­quar­ters in Liberty Station’s Arts District. 

4pm — 7pm PDT

San Diego Craft Collec­tive welcomes the commu­nity for an open house with craft artists and live demonstrations. 

Come watch, make friends, and mingle with other craftophiles.

Bass Builder, Allan Corona, will be in the studio showing how custom bass guitars are made. 

Other artists will be announced soon!

Inter­ested in becom­ing a Furni­ture Society member? Learn more, join, or renew your member­ship here. You’ll also have a chance to do that at the event.

All ages are welcome. This is a FREE event.

Regis­ter for the event here

2590 Truxtun Rd., Studio 106, San Diego, CA 92106

For more infor­ma­tion, contact Steffi Dotson at president@​sandiegocraft.​org


Regional Events

Charleston, South Carolina

Charleston Woodworking School

Insta­gram live: 11:15pm EDT @furnituresociety

10 am — 12 pm EST

demo, drop-in, meet up

Join Katie Thomp­son of the Women of Wood­work­ing Project for a special meet-up for The Furni­ture Soci­ety’s National Day of Making at the Charleston Wood­work­ing School from 10 am — 12 pm ET Satur­day, June 11. Stop by to say hello and watch demos by Naomi Feuer­stein of Over­look Woods and CWS instruc­tor Joseph Thomp­son of Joseph Thomp­son Wood­works. Check out the school and some of the beau­ti­ful work hand­crafted right here in the Lowcountry!


For more infor­ma­tion contact Katie Thomp­son womenofwoodworking@​gmail.​com

Little Rock, Arkansas

University of Arkansas Little Rock

Wood­work­ing and Furni­ture Design/​Campus Garden Volunteer Day

8 a.m. — 2 p.m. CST

Join UA Little Rock Wood­work­ing and Furni­ture Design at the UA Little Rock Campus Garden for a volun­teer day. Projects include assem­bling harvest boxes from reclaimed campus lumber, build­ing picnic tables, and carpen­try work on the garden’s new deck. Lots of garden­ing tasks too, as growing season is in full swing!
For more infor­ma­tion visit https://​ualr​.edu/​g​a​rden/ or email Peter Scheidt at pnscheidt@​ualr.​edu
