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Professional Development

Professional Development

Friday, Jun 10 12:00 – 1:30

Friday’s profes­sional devel­op­ment session will feature three presen­ters each present­ing for 15 – 20-minutes on a specific topic. Atten­dees will have the oppor­tu­nity to ask ques­tions at the end of the session. Included with regis­tra­tion is access to a PDF work­book that will include helpful resources and templates shared by each presen­ter, and a record­ing of that day’s session.


•Propos­ing an Article with Ken Burton, Senior Editor of Woodcraft Magazine

Break­ing into Maga­zine Publish­ing: How to prepare a pitch for a maga­zine article ( What maga­zines are looking for, Focus­ing a topic, Prepar­ing Mate­ri­als, What to expect when working with an editor, But what if I can’t write very well? How much will I be paid?)

•How to Approach a Gallery with Jordan Ahlers of Momen­tum Gallery

We will discuss how to deter­mine if a gallery is the right venue for your work, how an artist should approach a gallery to inquire about repre­sen­ta­tion, what mate­ri­als artists should prepare, things to do, things to avoid, what a gallery looks for when consid­er­ing new artists, and what to expect from the artist/​gallery rela­tion­ship. There will also be oppor­tu­ni­ties to ask questions. 

•How to Apply for Jobs or Appren­tice­ships at a Furni­ture Company with Jacob Marks of SKRAM design
