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FS20: Building Place, Shaping Identity, Creating Community has been postponed to 2021.

Thank you for your patience.

The Furni­ture Society has post­poned the FS20 confer­ence and the Craft for a Greater Good program with a new date in June of 2021

FS20 to FS21 Registration 

For those of you who have already regis­tered for FS20, please email: info@​furnituresociety.​org. Include your name and request one of the following options:

  1. Request a refund. We under­stand that some members attend the confer­ence on grants that only apply to this confer­ence, and many, in this time of economic upheaval, need to conserve their money right now. The previ­ous cancel­la­tion dead­line of Date and Month, 2020 has been voided. 
  2. Apply the regis­tra­tion fee for the 2020 confer­ence to next year’s 2021 confer­ence. The price of this year’s confer­ence will carry over, even if the price of next year’s confer­ence increases. Doing so will help us get through the cash flow chal­lenges we will face.
  3. Donate the amount paid for your 2020 confer­ence regis­tra­tion to TFS. We will arrange for you to get a tax deductible receipt. 
  4. Make a finan­cial dona­tion whether you had regis­tered for this year’s confer­ence or not. Any amount is helpful! It will imme­di­ately be put to good use.

(not a member? join today!)

Three Day Conference Passes

Early Bird
Regular Price
after March 28

Your Three day Confer­ence Pass includes:

  • All morning presen­ta­tions on the UNCA campus
  • After­noon program­ming located at STEAM Studio includ­ing: Craft for a Greater Good and case study presen­ta­tions,
    Hands ONgoing Work­shops, Demon­stra­tions, Affin­ity Group meet­ings, and more!
  • Lunch provided on campus Thurs­day and Friday
  • Award of Distinc­tion Luncheon Saturday
  • Closing Dinner and Dance Party Saturday

If you are inter­ested in apply­ing for an Assist­ant­ship Grant as a Student or Appren­tice to cover the cost of a confer­ence pass, click HERE for details.


UNCA­sheville is provid­ing on-campus apart­ment housing at a very reason­able price. You can signup and pay for this option during the regis­tra­tion process. Single occu­pancy rooms include a single bed, and Double occu­pancy rooms include two single beds. (For those who want to share a room, please select your room­mate ahead of time and choose one person to pay the housing fee during regis­tra­tion.) All rooms include linens and break­fast for each occu­pant. Read more about UNCA Housing HERE.

Single Occupancy
Double Occupancy
Four Nights
$450$525 ($262.50 each)

One Day Passes

One day passes will be avail­able after March 28.

À La Carte Items

While we expect most people to select and pay for their items during the regis­tra­tion process, some may want to buy an extra AOD luncheon ticket, or sign up for housing once they have selected a room­mate. If that sounds like you, then the button below is what you want!