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Appli­ca­tion Dead­line May 12020

The Furni­ture Society is pleased to invite appli­ca­tions for assist­ant­ships to FS20: Build­ing Place, Shaping Iden­tity, Creat­ing Commu­nity, the annual FS confer­ence being held in part­ner­ship with UNCA­sheville & STEAM Studios, June 17 – 20, 2020 in Asheville, NC.

2019 Assis­tants gath­er­ing at MIAD during FS19

This invi­ta­tion is offered to students, appren­tices, and trainees working in any field related to the furni­ture arts. All appli­ca­tions will be consid­ered regard­less of the applicant’s age or special circum­stances. We will need help with regis­tra­tion, hospi­tal­ity, set up before and after the confer­ence, room moni­tors and assis­tants, A/V oper­a­tors, auction, and general assis­tance in solving the many prob­lems that arise during large confer­ences. Assist­ant­ship grants will be awarded based on the merit and train­ing level of the appli­cant, with prior­ity going to first time submis­sions. There will be an initial limit of 2 accepted appli­cants from any one institution. 

Accepted appli­cants receive a full confer­ence pass in exchange for limited work. Assis­tants are expected to serve in assigned tasks to the equiv­a­lent of one full day of the three-day confer­ence. This offer includes all the bene­fits of a normal confer­ence regis­tra­tion, includ­ing the Award of Distinc­tion lunch and dinner on June 20, but does not include tours, evening meals, housing or trans­porta­tion. A variety of afford­able housing options are avail­able, and may be viewed on the FS Website.


A student is defined as someone enrolled in a full- or part-time educa­tional program. This can include a univer­sity, college, tech­ni­cal college, commu­nity college, non-tradi­tional school, and/​or any other degree, certifi­cate or non-certifi­cate granting program.

Appren­tices or Trainees:

Someone who is working for or study­ing under a professional maker.

Respon­si­bil­i­ties and Duties:

Assis­tants will be assigned tasks and times by The Furni­ture Society, when not assigned you are free to attend confer­ence events of your choos­ing. A manda­tory train­ing session for assis­tants is sched­uled for Wednes­day, June 17 (loca­tion TBA). As a condi­tion of this grant, Confer­ence Assis­tants are required to be at the confer­ence site, ready for duty, by 9 am Wednes­day June 17, and to remain avail­able for assigned duties through the close of the confer­ence events on Satur­day, June 20.

Imme­di­ately upon noti­fi­ca­tion of accep­tance in the Assist­ant­ship Program, you will be required to:

  1. Complete the confer­ence registration form
  2. Purchase or renew your FS member­ship as needed ($35 for students/​apprentices)

Failure to make payment by the required date (spec­i­fied in the accep­tance letter) will cause your Assist­ant­ship Grant to be rescinded.

Fill out appli­ca­tion below by May 12020:

(All Appplcants)
(Apprentices or trainees only)
(Students only)
Please list below any special knowledge or skills that may be helpful to us in assigning volunteer tasks: (sales, computer or A/V experience etc…)

Ques­tions? Contact us at info@​furnituresociety.​org or call (828) 5819663.