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A Celebration of Life: Garry Knox Bennett

FS Stories

Thursday, Apr 28 6:30 – 8:00

The Man, The Maker, The Legend!

On Thurs­day, April 28, 2022, The Furni­ture Society and the Center for Art in Wood cele­brated the life of Garry Knox Bennett. We thought the best way to pay tribute to him and his larger-than-life-sized legacy was by coming together and sharing thoughts and memo­ries, not only of his ground­break­ing work and prolific career, but also his inim­itable char­ac­ter, wit, and spirit. The evening was hosted by Monica Hampton, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of The Furni­ture Society, and Glenn Adamson, noted Curator, Histo­rian, and Writer. 

Garry Knox Bennett — A Celebration of Life!

Below is the inter­view TFS recently conducted with Garry Knox Bennett in conver­sa­tion with Andrew Glasgow. This inter­view is part of the series In their Words: Conver­sa­tions with Award of Distinc­tion Recip­i­ents” which is made possi­ble by a gener­ous gift from Anne and Ronald Abram­son &
John T. Kotelly and Colleen Kollar-Kotelly