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Show Us Your...Inspirations


Wednesday, Jun 23 1:00 – 2:30

Please note that all session times are in Eastern Daylight Time

What inspires you to create?

Inspi­ra­tion is all around us. It could come from nature or archi­tec­ture, a photo­graph or the person walking by you. Maybe you were inspired by words from a quote or some­thing someone said to you.

We never know when inspi­ra­tion will ignite, but when it does, it can feed our imag­i­na­tion and give us the energy and drive to create.

Laura Mays, Direc­tor of the Krenov School in Fort Bragg, CA will help lead this discus­sion by talking about what inspires her and how she uses those inspi­ra­tions in her work — The work of French-Italian artist and designer Nathalie Du Pasquier has been both a source of inspi­ra­tion and a shared enjoy­ment in distorted perspec­tive and axono­met­ric and oblique draw­ings of simple forms.”

For those who are inter­ested in partic­i­pat­ing, we’d love to know what inspires you to make. Be prepared to show both an image of your inspi­ra­tion and the piece you created as a result of it.

This event is free and open to all who want to join in on the fun!