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Summer Session — June 7, 1421

Regis­tra­tion & Logistics

Please note that all session times are in Eastern Daylight Time

Summer Session Pricing:

All Access Pass: Access to all indi­vid­ual sessions. Does NOT include tickets for the WOO work­shop or AOD celebration

Student Member: $100

Indi­vid­ual Member: $200

Non-Member: $275

Indi­vid­ual Sessions: Pick and choose only the sessions you are most inter­ested in attending

Student Member: $5 — Injury Preven­tion for Wood­work­ers, $10 — Indi­vid­ual sessions, $10 Award of Distinction Celebration

Indi­vid­ual Member: $10 — Injury Preven­tion for Wood­work­ers, $20 — Indi­vid­ual sessions, $25 Award of Distinction Celebration

Non-Member: $15 — Injury Preven­tion for Wood­work­ers, $20 — Indi­vid­ual sessions, $25 Award of Distinction Celebration

WOO Work­shop with Phoebe Kuo: $30 — Members, $40 Non-Members

Email: All regis­trants will receive a confir­ma­tion email with session infor­ma­tion and zoom links one week prior to the event and the day before the event.

Refunds/​cancellations: Unfor­tu­nately no refunds will be offered for indi­vid­ual sessions. All Access Pass holders may request a refund in writing one week in advance of the start of summer session.

Excep­tions: All Access Pass does NOT include tickets to the special Award of Distinc­tion cele­bra­tion (June 24) or the WOO Work­shop with Phoebe Kuo (June 22).

Special Note: All proceeds from the Award of Distinc­tion: Cele­brat­ing Kristina Madsen will go towards the estab­lish­ment of a special schol­ar­ship for women to attend one of our Educa­tional Grant Partnership events.

Record­ings: All sessions will be recorded. Those regis­tered for Indi­vid­ual Sessions will have access to those specific record­ings. Those who are regis­tered for the All Access Pass will have access to all recordings.

For any ques­tions regard­ing your regis­tra­tion, please email fsconnects@​furnituresociety.​org

Thank you.