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Image Makers


Wednesday, Jun 23 7:00 – 9:00

Please note that all session times are in Eastern Daylight Time

Please join us for a live, virtual tour of what our fellow Furni­ture Society members have making since we last gath­ered. We will be hosting a one night event where partic­i­pants will be able to talk about and share images of their recent work.

All are welcome to participate! 

Entries must be sent via email by June 21, 2021 to receive proper title and annotations.

Please send up to five images of your work to:


Images should be sent medium high to high grade quality. (Stuff looks better with higher quality images via zoom)


  • Name:
  • Title of work: optional
  • Where you are from: Home town, place, planet….
  • Name of: busi­ness, school, studio…