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Award of Distinction: Object Studies

FS Stories

Monday, Jun 14 3:00 – 4:30

Please note that all session times are in Eastern Daylight Time

Join us as we cele­brate 2020/2021 Award of Distinc­tion recip­i­ent, Kristina Madsen, in this engag­ing and insight­ful object studies with cura­tors from three collect­ing insti­tu­tions includ­ing Yale Univer­sity Art Gallery, The Renwick Museum, and the RISD Museum.

Join us for a behind-the-scenes expe­ri­ence and conver­sa­tion with cura­tors John Stuart Gordon, Ned Cooke, Mary Savig, and Emily Banas as they talk about Kristina’s work, how they acquired the pieces, and why collect­ing studio furni­ture is an impor­tant part of their museum’s collec­tions. The cura­tors won’t be doing ALL the talking though…You’ll have an oppor­tu­nity to ask ques­tions of your own as this session ends with a live Q&A with all three curators.

Kristina Madsen at the Yale Univer­sity Art Gallery

In her bench from 1988, Madsen explored a new approach to surface carving that would inform her later work. Edward S. Cooke, Jr., and John Stuart Gordon compare Madsen’s bench to later exam­ples of her work, as well as to related objects in the Hume Furni­ture Study at the Yale Univer­sity Art Gallery.

Gordon Yale Madsen bench

Kristina Madsen’s Window Seat at the RISD Museum

For this Object Study, Emily will discuss Kristina Madsen’s Window Seat in the RISD Museum’s collec­tion. She will also examine this work within the context of build­ing RISD’s collec­tion of studio furni­ture in the 1990’s, the support from national arts orga­ni­za­tions that made it possi­ble, and how the devel­op­ment of the furni­ture design program at RISD is reflected in the way the museum collected. 

Kristina Madsen Bench At RISD

Kristina Madsen Dining Chair at the Renwick Gallery

Mary Savig’s talk will focus on Madsen’s 1993 dining chair in the Smith­son­ian Amer­i­can Art Muse­um’s collec­tion. She will focus on her inter­est in textiles and hand-carving tech­niques and designs. 

Madsen Dining Chair Renwick