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Aspen Golann Studio Shoot1 Photographer Tom Condon 1

Aspen Golann is a studio furni­ture maker, artist and educa­tor based in Western North Carolina. She holds a degree in Fine Furni­ture from The North Bennet Street School in Boston, is currently the Wood Shop Coor­di­na­tor at The Penland School of Craft and was awarded the 2020 John D. Mineck Fellow­ship. She exhibits nation­ally and is published in Fine Wood­work­ing, Luxe Maga­zine, Art New England, and Amer­i­can Period Furni­ture. She does domes­tic and inter­na­tional commis­sion work for design­ers in the UK, Asia, and across the United States. Before making furni­ture she was a weaver, farmer, teacher and coastal navi­ga­tor. She loves wood­work­ing exper­i­ments, pizza ovens, old clocks, and the inter­sec­tion of tradi­tional and contemporary aesthetics.

Rollinsford , NH
Professional Status
Wood coordinator, penland school of craft & studio furniture maker
