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Calls, Call for Entry

TFS Regional Member’s Exhibition at Arrowmont Exhi­bi­tion Dates: March 17 — May 162025

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!

The Furni­ture Society and Arrow­mont School of Arts & Crafts have teamed up to provide an exhi­bi­tion oppor­tu­nity for TFS members. We are looking for 2 – 3 artists to exhibit their work in Arrowmont’s Drown Wood Studio Gallery March 17 — May 16, 2025. All members are welcome to apply. Regional members in and around Tennessee are encour­aged to apply.

Arrowmont Drown Gallery

Call for entry opens: Septem­ber 12024

Submis­sion Dead­line: October 132024

A $500 stipend will be awarded to each artist accepted. This can be used towards ship­ping and/​or attend­ing the opening.

This exhi­bi­tion will be in conjunc­tion with a Regional Event in Knoxville & Gatlin­burg, TN. More details to come.

Eligi­bil­ity Criteria

The call is open to all members of The Furni­ture Society. Appli­cants must have a current member­ship at the time of submis­sion and through the exhi­bi­tion. Current students are welcome to apply.

Appli­ca­tion Requirements

  • Partic­i­pat­ing artists must be a current member of The Furni­ture Society (TFS) through the time of the exhi­bi­tion dates — March 17 — May 162025

  • Partic­i­pat­ing artists must have a profile page on TFS’s website with a minimum of 6 images (includ­ing images submit­ted for consid­er­a­tion), a bio, and link to website/​social media

  • All work must be orig­i­nal and the artist must own sole copy­right. Repro­duc­tions will not be accepted. Work must arrive in good condi­tion ready to display. All included artwork must remain in the gallery for the entirety of the exhibition.

  • Artist can submit up to three images and up to three detail images from avail­able work shown on TFS profile page. All work must be avail­able to exhibit.

  • All pieces should be able to fit through an 80” x 60” doorway (smaller preferable).

  • Work needs to have been made within the last five years (2019 – 2024)

  • Regional artists are encour­aged to apply.

  • Resume/​CV


Call for entry opens: Septem­ber 12024

Submis­sion Dead­line: October 132024

Jury Delib­er­a­tion: October 28 — Novem­ber 182024

Artist Noti­fi­ca­tion: Decem­ber 22024

Artist confir­ma­tion: Decem­ber 152024

Exhi­bi­tion Dates: March 17 — May 162025

Work must arrive at Arrow­mont by March 72025

Work must be picked up/​shipped out by May 19 – 252025


Appli­ca­tion is free


The Jerry Drown Wood Studio Gallery displays revolv­ing works selected from the perma­nent collec­tion, and other small group exhi­bi­tions ranging in a variety of mediums and mate­ri­als – from func­tional forms to concep­tual objects and every­thing in between. 

Sales Remit­tance and terms

Works may be made avail­able for sale, in which case the gallery takes 40% of all sales and the artist receives 60%.

Ship­ping and Dropoff

Artist is respon­si­ble for ship­ping or deliv­er­ing work to the gallery. Return ship­ping will be covered by Arrow­mont, or if picking up they will provide a mileage reimbursement.

Work must be deliv­ered by March 7, 2025. Work must be picked up or will be shipped back to the artist May 19 – 252025.


Bruce Brad­ford
Sarah Mizer
Matthew Mosher
Peter Scheidt



About TFS and Arrowmont

The Furni­ture Society (TFS) is a non-profit, member-based orga­ni­za­tion repre­sent­ing, promot­ing, and connect­ing furni­ture makers, design­ers, collec­tors, cura­tors, educa­tors, and manu­fac­tur­ers from around the world. TFS works to realize its mission through educa­tional programs, exhi­bi­tions and exhi­bi­tion support, recog­ni­tion of excel­lence in the field, program part­ner­ships, educa­tional grants, work­shop part­ner­ships, regional events, and annual conferences. 

Arrow­mont is an inter­na­tion­ally recog­nized visual art educa­tion center, provid­ing creative expe­ri­ences year-round. The School also serves as a cultural center in the commu­nity offer­ing adult and children’s commu­nity classes; an active juried, themed and invi­ta­tional exhi­bi­tion sched­ule; and annual art confer­ences and symposia. Arrowmont’s mission of enrich­ing lives through art is the foun­da­tion from which all of their high quality educa­tional programs grow and flourish

The Furni­ture Society’s Board of Trustees and members of the exhi­bi­tion commit­tee are not eligi­ble to apply.

Artist support granted by The Furni­ture Society’s Exhibit­ing Furni­ture and Sculp­tural Objects (EFASO)

Your profile page needs to have a minimum of 6 photos and each photo needs to be labeled: "Title, medium, year completed." Dimensions of work recommended
Tell us a little about yourself and your work
Detail of submitted work optional
Detail of submitted work optional
Detail of submitted work optional